Cool, cool. Yeah I've heard a lot of good things about the large permutations for playstyle and replayability with FONV.
I think I will go modless at first. I generally like 'reality' mods (eating and sleeping; more realistic encumbrance; more limited fast travel) and usually try to play dead-is-dead. But tbh, I'm already frustrated that this dang game installation is slow!

So the prospect of installing -anything- else before I get into playing it is not appealing atm.
Sheeze I have so many Bethesda related apps and installers and manager programs. Is this FOMM that you linked to Povuhollo, is that pretty much the top notch 'mod manager' for FONV? What about Nexus Mod Manager?
The machine that I last had FO3 installed is past on to the Great Silicon Valley in the sky, but I seem to recall I had something called FOMM, FOSE, and two maybe even three other apps that were all involved in getting mods to work together. Oh! I remembere now it was something called Fallout Wanderer's Edition. Amazing how much of this stuff you can forget.
I got heavy into EVE Online about a year ago an dit was fun for about 6 months, then it started to feel like a 2nd job and I have recently let my account lapse. When I realized that I was 'paying' ~100 million ISK (Interstelar Kredits, which is an in-game currency that you can accumulate from killing NPCs) for my character to "live" in our alliance wormhole system, which thus compelled me to log on and play in order to keep the ISK flowing . . . it just didn't feel fun anymore. Lot of mixed feelings on that, as that is a years worth of skill training that is now sitting there on inactive toons . . . but, just not in a life-place to be doing any hardcoe MMOGs. The nice thing about TES and FO games: they are just about as engrossing as EVE or any of the other really good games out there; but unlike an MMOG, the 'social' side is completely elective.