Primarily, I just want a mod that: (a) incorporates saddlebags on my horse so I dont' have to make multiple trips to cart loot from smaller to medium sized dungons (B) commands like those in MD Saddlebags (Follow me; Come Here; Caution, i.e., protect me)
I'm asking because, I have had a recurrent issue with CTDs when saving after transferring large numbers of items (mostly ingredients) between containers. I suspect that these CTDs were being caused by one of the following mods / mod features:
1. Tyler's Hungry Thirsty Sleepy Tired
2. MD Saddlebags
3. One of the "Adjustable commodity price" features in Enhanced Economy
By disabling all of these in OBMM, the CTDs go away, even when I make tons of potions, transfer hundreds of ingredient items and then save.