Does anyone know what the difference is, other than the black/white square view screen of the recon scope? I says it has "tracking", but what does that mean?
Does anyone know what the difference is, other than the black/white square view screen of the recon scope? I says it has "tracking", but what does that mean?
Recon scope will pinpoint a target if you get them in your sights... meaning you'll get a little diamond shape that hovers over their head and stays on your radar even if you are no longer aiming at them. So you can basically scope out an area, find all the enemies and then know their positions as you freely move about.
It adds a floating marker over each target you spot. This marker remains visible even if the target goes inside a building or behind cover.
A little red diamond will appear above the enemies head. You can then always see the diamond, even when they are behind a wall.
Oh wow. I don't use the compass, but these markers will be in regular view, not just as a compass marker??
I'd have to double check to be fair, but i think they stay in regular view.
Someone help me out.
Yes, the target will stay marked in regular view as well and you can track them more easily.
Neat. Better install one of those then =)
Thanks boys.
the tracking indicator will remain, even if you switch weapons.
Same. Do you have "Disable floating markers" set in the options? I disabled it to get rid of floating quest markers, but I guess it disables recon markers too?
I disabled the floating markers. I guess I'll enable again to try this out =/
Too bad the non-recons (and night-visions too, given it is never really dark) are useless once you get recons.
Save and scrap anything you find with a recon scope on it if you have the scrapper perks for it- the junk list from one of those is impressive.
In order to get the diamond to show up, you must view the enemy through the scope with the enemy in the cross hairs. You actually have to get them pretty close to center, I am not sure if it is exacting, but it seems so to me. Once you have them in your cross hairs for about 1 second, the orange diamond will appear. You must do this for each individual enemy that you wish to track. If there are two enemies near to each other, you will need to "pickle" them one at a time by holding each one in the cross hairs for a moment. Once you "pickle" them, they will remain marked even when you lower your weapon from in front of your eye. This way you can "pickle" several enemies in one general location, presuming you don't just take the silenced shot (muahaha) while you have them in the cross hairs. You will then have several orange diamonds wondering around behind and betwixt cover as you make your way among them.
edit: once I learned to craft the recon scope, the other scopes all went in the bin.
edit edit: the term "pickle" I picked up in my previous life in the Navy. I believe pilots use this term in much the same way as described above, I know we did in CIC on destroyers. On a radar console if you saw a "blip" that you suspected of being an enemy you would mark it with a symbol or "pickle" and the computer would keep the "pickle" on top of the radar blip for you. You would change the symbol based on your assessment, friend, foe, target, etc... I was a tech, not an operator, so if someone else corrects me on this, that would be fine... but that is my recollection, anyway.
Yeah, the eternal daylight feature is kinda annoying and makes night vision useless. Mods, again.
Them you get warning or danger during sneak you get dots on compass if enemy is close enough same without sneaking if enemies attacks.
The recon scope who is a square scope put a red marker over enemy head, this stays even if enemy goes behind cover and even then you stop aiming.
Very nice for enemies who move in and out of cover.