Recording new voicetype "into" existing ones.

Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:04 am

Hi gang. I am creating a new housecarl for my mod. I am trying to add her voicetype, DKRHildara, to the existing vanilla voicetypes available to speak a line like "What do you want, my Thane?" in the DialogueFollower quest.

Because Hildara is a member of the housecarl faction, her voicetype shows in the list of available voicetypes, but obviously when I preview by double clicking, there is silence (unlike the others, which voice the lines).

If I try to record from the window there, it will overwrite ALL voicetypes, so I obviously don't want the MaleBrute to speak with Hildara's voice.

How do you go about adding a new recording for the new voicetye without screwing up the others?

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Post » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:37 am

You can probably record the dialogue in an external app (Audacity, etc.) as a WAV file, and then rename each file to the name/location the CK expects it to be at (as shown in the Response window). You'll then need to use the CK to generate a LIP file for your WAV.

Alternatively, just recording in the CK shouldn't actually overwrite the existing dialogue, because the existing lines should be FUZ files (unless you've converted them), and packed in the BSA (unless you've extracted them), whereas you'll be creating a WAV when you record. What recording in the CK would do is create extraneous WAV and LIP files in all the other VoiceType directories, which you'd want to delete.
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