Version Alpha 1
This Mod allows you to recover Weapons that have been disarmed by opponents and gotten lost (fallen off cliffs, dropped through seams, ect).
This mod records the FORMID of a weapon when it is dropped (either by a disarm or by manual dropping your equipped weapon).
You can place this weapon in front of you buy using the recall key (configured in the ini file).
You can also clear the stored FORMID with a configurable key. I included this because I do not distinguish when your weapon has been disarmed vs manually dropped.
Requires OBSE
This Mod allows you to recover Weapons that have been disarmed by opponents and gotten lost (fallen off cliffs, dropped through seams, ect).
This mod records the FORMID of a weapon when it is dropped (either by a disarm or by manual dropping your equipped weapon).
You can place this weapon in front of you buy using the recall key (configured in the ini file).
You can also clear the stored FORMID with a configurable key. I included this because I do not distinguish when your weapon has been disarmed vs manually dropped.
Requires OBSE
This mod allows you to press a key (configurable in the ini file) and your most recently dropped weapon will be placed directly in front of you. (you can recall the same weapon multiple times by repeatedly pressing the recall key).
I've noticed a couple people downloaded this from a link in a random post so I thought I would revive the beta.
I have tested it myself extensively, but would love feedback from a few more users before I release a version on tesnexus.