The idea is pretty simple. When the player character amasses a bunch of followers, all they can do is walk around with them really. I want to change that by allowing the player to send the followers out on missions to do certain things. These missions would not happen in real time. You couldn't follower your follower and watch him do it, that would be too complicated and time consuming, rather, you'd select what you'd want him to do, and he will be disabled and his chances of success calculated. The next day you'd know if he was successful or not, or perhaps a week later if the task was a particularly difficult one. I also want to account for things such as the guild association of the follower, so if you send a bandit to steal, based on his faction and inferred past experience he will have a chance to be more successful than say a mage, who would be better equipped to locate you soul gems, or create black ones.
A few different sequences can occur.
You send your follower out and he's successful.
You send the follower out and he dies
You send the follower out and he's successful but he incurred a bounty.
You send your follower out and he failed and was imprisoned
You send your follower out and he failed, but returned
You send your follower out but he was mortally wounded(success or failure) he dies shortly after returning.
I need someone who is willing to help me make this a reality and can get on teamspeak or Skype to talk about/work on the mod.
I scripted for oblivion, my knowledge doesn't translate well to skyrim. I want to do the majority of the work myself and the fastest way for me to learn is to chat with somebody. This shouldn't be a hard thing to accomplish so with the right help I'm thinking a few days at most and skyrim will have a completely new gameplay mechanic.
Any takers?