In my experience, I dont see any benefit to red bar connection. Normally I play on 2-3 bars. Whenever I play on red bar I'm horrible. I'll be shooting someone in the back just to see the kill replay of that person shooting me in the back. Or I'll empty a clip on someone and then they will run away and then fall over dead. Not sure why but there are a few players I know that play well with 1 bar but they are usually always on red bar so maybe there is some trick or familiarity to it.
Yeah, maybe. I was playing the other day; and I could hit any of the two red bars I was playing. On kill cam (I know cams aren't that acurate) I were miles off them, in some cases registering hit markers - but not a hit on cam. Got me wondering if they were just really good or had a host like advantage (but at the opposite end of the connection).
I very rarely get a 1 red bar (the odd 1 orange); but when I do most of the lobby are on 1 bar and it's really laggy.
I got melee killed today by a guy that I was melee killing, he was with his back towards me, then boom, me dead, and on killcam he was facing me, now that's epic lag!
Yeah, there is an advantage to having a red bar. Yesterday I emptied half a clip into a guy's back (while he was cloaked), for him to turn around and shoot and kill me instantly.
Been keeping an eye on the dodgy kills, most were from red bars or host.