Alrighty, in case you don't know, the Fast Travel used in RDR was a lot more realistic than the Fast Travel employed by Bethesda where you simply clicked on an icon.
In RDR, you can Fast Travel by first going out to the wilderness away from any roads on flat, dry land. Once you're in an appropiate spot, you then go to your inventory and select the "Camp" icon (In the game, you have a standard camp, but you can buy upgraded ones.) The screen will then go black for a couple of seconds (for loading purposes) and it will then show your character laying back and warming his hands on the campfire. You will then be provided with some options, one of them being Fast Travel. You can select that and then click which pre-discovered place you want to Fast Travel to. When you've made your selection, you'll get the traditional loading screen and...Yipee, you're at your location.
Now you may ask...What if I want to fast travel from a town/city and I don't want to walk out to the wilderness in order to Fast Travel? Well it's been confirmed by Todd that there will be carriages in game, and I'm going to assume that they will be at every major city...Thus making it so you're more inclined to use that system then the Fast Travel option when at a city, instead of ignoring the carriages altogether because they cost gold to use.
So what do you guys/gals think? Would you want a system like this in Skyrim? Do you want something else? Discuss!