red exclamation marks in ck

Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:24 pm


first off, im a new modder and i am still learning the basics of CK.

The thing is that i am currently modifying someone elses mod. (Ive got permission).

the mod is a player home, which i am trying to make more "gritty"

the problem is when i open the player home in CK i get the error message "could not find (object).

and then there are these red exclamation marks around the house. Im guessing these are the custom models that ck couldn't find, since i can see everything else. The custom objects are however there in game.

so my question is: what can i do to display these objects in CK.

when i load the mod i go to data and cross skyrim, update and then the mod file. I also set the mod file to "active".

please help, thanks

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Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:48 pm

Red = Missing Mesh.

Purple = Missing Texture.

The paths needs to be set in the CK for them to be rendered.

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Miss Hayley
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Post » Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:03 am

A couple of quick things:

A) Did you load the mod that you are modifying? (This is actually obvious I guess because you are able to load the cell interior of the house)

:cool: Are the Custom Models that are failing to load contained in a BSA ( If the original MOD came with custom models, there should be either a BSA with the models, or the Models should be loos in the Skyrim -> Data ->Meshes folder?) If they are contained in a BSA I believe you may have to extract them (I could be mistaken.)

Either way, if you are getting the red exclamation point marker the CK is failing to load the model or the object itself. Make sure that all of the objects can be found in the object window, if not the esp may be messed up somehow.

I'm kinda a CK noob myself, but I would check those things first.

Otherwise, I'm kinda oblivious myself.

EDIT: I also meant that you need to make sure the other Mod's BSA/ Meshes are in your Skyrim -> Data folder.

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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:24 pm

Yep, unpack the mods bsa into your data folder.

Or you can also just edit your SkyrimEditor.ini and tell the ck to load the files directly from the bsa. Find the [Archive] section, then add YourCoolMod.bsa to the end of both "SArchiveList" & "SResourceArchiveList".

Either way, the next time you load the CK, the models will display properly, no more exclamation marks

- Hypno
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kirsty williams
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Post » Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:31 pm

thanks for the replies.

the models are in a bsa file. Maybe if i exctract them from the bsa and put the mesh and texture in skyrims data folder.

Yes! That did it.

thanks :)

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