Looking at image #17
Looking at image #17
That's not our blood, that's the blood of the nonorganic thing we just killed.
Pretty sure I recall a simple edit to an ini file will remove this (not sure how that is done via consoles, tho).
definitely a deal breaker
just gonna wait to see if FO5 fixes this travesty before i get back into the series
but no i dont care
i dont really remember the last action/violence game to not do some sort of fade/red sheen/blood splatter effect when i was getting my ass handed to me
not sure id let that little thing annoy me
indifference is the most you should give that tiny screen effect so you dont get a sour spot building up in your head
Same thing in New Vegas and Fallout 3, take some damage and one of the effects is some blood spatter on your eye-camera viewport thing.
I always found it one of the stranger stock effects in videogames, but meh. Bethesda's way of doing it is so unobtrusive that it doesnt bother me nearly at all. Ive seen some straight FPS games that really like to splatter up your screen when you're taking damage, and that takes more the form of the red jelly instead of a more splatter-like effect. I think its a bad effect, would rather it not be there at all, but the minor splatter versus the heavy jello is really day and night.
Some games make the screen go dark red, with the edges sort of 'veining' out toward the center when you take damage. That's a lot more distracting than the blood droplets that vanishes after a few seconds.