They are Mantis eggs though, correct?? I think so anyway...
And btw I cant finish the quest. I realized I was already lvl 30.... so no more leveling up

Mantis eggs are only the first set of eggs she wants. Then she wants eggs for other creatures, radscorpions, fire geckos, etc. The last set of eggs she wants in the quest will be the deathclaw eggs. After the she receives the deathclaw eggs, the lights go out. During the dark screen are the sounds of intimacy. If the sounds of intimacy have been removed officially by the last patch then I guess I'll end up hearing them on YouTube. (Another reason not to like games via Steam. If this was FallOut 3 or another NoN-Steam game, I could just reinstall the game and have v.1.0.0 ready to sample. But with the automatic forced upgrade when one does not want the upgrade, it svcks.)
There are other locations to get Mantis eggs. Vault 22 is not the only place to get them.