Written in lipstick on the door. I digress. Is there a way for my kids to give me these robes as a gift or is it just random luck?
Not on PC.
Written in lipstick on the door. I digress. Is there a way for my kids to give me these robes as a gift or is it just random luck?
Not on PC.
http://www.uesp.net/wiki/File:SR-icon-clothing-RedRobes.png. Possible gift by your character's adopted children.
Not many robes to choose from on console, the brown and green ones can't be accessed and I just wanted something different.
I've obtained Green Robes from my children before on my Legendary Dead is Dead character
(then I kind of found a way to get anything I wanted that wasn't originally available) °-°
I can buy them from Radiant Rainment with HF installed.
Though, I am playing on PC with the UO patches.
I have a hypothesis that the amount of gold you give your kid for his allowance determines what he gives you.
i doubt it... i may open up the CK to check the scripts, but I believe its random
You are probably right. Id imagine it should be random.
So i guess i'm going to adopt a kid as soon as i can to get some red or green hooded robes. I've only ever seen green robes (no hood).
The face sculptor in Riften is the only one who wears read robes. Blue look better but if I can get brown I'd be happy.
I stashed the kids in a house my nomad character doesn't consider to be his...I can get through the very occasional visit. And it was all worthwhile when the little goof met me at the door with
..that was what i thought. Those are false red robes!
That's not even red! LIES!
Do they have a hood? If so, I can glitch them into armour
Sadly they don't give you the Hooded Red robes, You'd have to do the Magical Way we cannot discuss to obtain such things.
Unless you're on PC.