
((look up the map of Skyrim on the official emperial library))
"Ever lasting winter, Cold steel biting into flesh and bone. My bones shake and rattle, for something I believe may come true, Hold fast My brothers and sisters of the northern land! Will we let this enemy fall us? Here and now we stand, Here at the hour of which the Gods' and our fathers watch over us! Nay I say! Let this foul enemy wane to our might! Let them cripple beneath our mighty arms! Let them fear us. Let them know no mercy. Today we shatter shields, Today we stand, Fight hard, Fight for our Honor! For the north!"
~Dhern The Hearted
"Cry Havoc and let loose The dogs of war!" -Julius Caesar
The night was young cloud cover above the city. Snow had began to fall, like it always did. In the keep of Dawnstar. The new Ruler, Frethral Silverbeard, Sat on his throne. His white bear skin outfit being most comfortable as he sat. With a cape the hood being the bears head also of white fur, acted like a blanket. Frethral leaned on his right side, resting his head upon his clenched fist. The Brick stone floor held a red carpet that extended from the throne steps to the front door. The hall in question made of logged wood with four beams set aside the carpet on each side. The large Fireplace behind the throne roared with a large fire lighting the gloom hall with the help of the torches that lined on the walls.
He sat there, Staring ominously into a dream. His silvery beard lengthened to his collar bone, and his silver hair was windswept and to his shoulders. His eyes where brown and reflected the torches that pinned on the walls. His left arm rested upon the armrest, thumping his fingers against the wood. One would tell that this ruler had felt something troubling. And he did. In his limbs he could feel something wrong, Something coming. A storm that would be a doom. Or maybe it was his mind playing tricks on him? Still he stared into his own world. Soon the hall doors flung open Violently and a Young Nord messenger scurried across the floor. His fur armor covered in snow, and his shield chipped on the left side.
Frethral had snapped out of his dream and gazed upon the young man now kneeling before him. He knew something was wrong, this man was out of breath, surely something of importance if he would hurry like such to the halls of Frethral. "I see you bring news of something lad." He looked upon the messenger and the young man looked up at him. "Well?" He ordered in a calm bellowing voice.
"My lord, Scouting ships have spotted a massive fleet heading to our coast." The young man motioned his right hand into the brown bag which hung on his side. He pulled out a rolled up parchment and held it out to Frethral. Frethral had stood from his seat wiping the wrinkles from his attire and approached the young man grabbing the message. He removed the red ribbon which bound it in a roll and unrolled and read. As he read through it his face went from emotionless, to fear. His eyes widened. He reread the message again and then dropped it to the floor.
"A whole fleet destroyed by these, Invaders?" He bellowed with outrage and brought his hand to his chin, stressing on the beard. "Send a message out to the remaining fleets, Any ships docked must sail away immediately, and counter this oncoming threat!"
"Yes my lord!" The young man bowed his head and got to his feet and ran out of the hall shutting the doors behind him. Frethral paced back and forth then clapped his hands. A heavily armored Nord body guard came from his position in the corner of the hall and knelt down to Frethral. "Yes my lord?" He asked
"Arise Argus, You do not kneel before me." Argus got to his feet, his Nordic plated armor shone with the roaring fire in the back of the room, his fur clothing sticking out a bit in between his pauldrons and gloves. "I need you to send word out to the other cities on the coast, Haafingar, and Winterhold! Tell them to raise the guard shifts and keep the soldiers on alert! Same for here!"
"Yes my lord, I will send my best man." Argus gave a bow and then hurried out of the hall.
Frethral turned back to his throne and picked the message back up and reread it. Thus it had:
My Lord Frethral Silverbeard;
We the crew of the Averygold, Second Scout ship of the Naval fleet have spotted the remains of the first Fleet. My lord it is horrible, the whole fleet destroyed. Our spotter in the crows nest has said to have seen a hint of an enemy fleet off into the distance coming to Skyrim. I have given this message to my hawk Falgorn, So this message should reach you in just a few hours after I have sent it, if given to a quick messenger. I advise that you report the remaining fleets that are docked to make way to halt this enemy. I do not know the numbers of this fleet, all I know is the ships move fast, faster then any galleon I have ever seen sail these waters and the waters around Tamriel.
I am grieved to say my son was in that fleet, on the flag vessel. But my grief aside, if our fleets are unable to halt this force, as I said the numbers are unknown, you might have to Set up a defense on the lands. I advise getting the soldiers on their heels and ready for an invasion.
Scout commander: Vilicius Stronghammer.
He sunk back into his throne and took his pose, this time worrying about this unknown threat?
3 Days future, Sea of ghosts, 3 days away from Skyrim cost
The waters where calm, but the sea was covered of a thick fog. The second and third naval fleets had taken a position side by side nesting in the spot the enemy would soon come by. Each ship had ballista's ready, armed with arrows that held bags of magical explosive powder on the tips. On the flag ship of the whole fleet, The Doryn Nelas, the commander stood, keeping his eyes keened and focused on the invisible horizon. His thin chain armor dripped of fog water and some spots were frozen due to the temperature. But he had no feeling for the cold, As all nords are basically immune to it after living in it for so long. His right hand gripped his stalhrim long sword.
"Private! You see anything?" He yelled behind him pushing his voice up toward the crows nest. Soon an answer came back. "No sir nothing! The fog is too thick!" He gave a sigh and turned around to face his second in command. About to make the order to press the fleet forward but soon a light appeared in the sky. The commanders eyes quickly twitched following it. It went up then came down. He watched it then he made a gasp. "We are under attack!" He yelled out loud to the fleet but soon the flaming light hit the vessel to the right of his ship and it exploded making its crew fly into the water and sinking the warship.
"Fire at will!" He yelled out and the fleet fired their ballista's making a streaming volley pass overhead. He watched into the distance closely soon seeing the exploding lights of the projectiles. But to his surprise as the last light went off he ould see a ships sailing to him. The fog now cleared and behind that ship was another, and then more, numbers greater then this naval fleet. And soon his eyes caught more projectiles in the sky. A massive volley speeding toward the fleet. He had only a last sentence run through his mind. Gods save us!
"Annihilation will be unavoidable" -Disturbed
"I am an indestructible master of war!"
After another scout message reported to Frethral he has sent word to each settelment of Skyrim about the threat, Giving orders to bring soldiers to the coastal cities to Defend against the swiftly approaching. Word was also sent to the Elder council for aid. The elder council has Diclined any aid, except aid from the local Garrisons stationed in the Province itself. Any recall of the legions would be risking rebellion in the other provinces. Skyrim Stands alone against this threat, only its Own legion and adventurers to defend the north.
We all start in Dawnstar. From the begining we can play it out as a freelance RP, Untill the invasion begins.
Just some simple rules.
1) Please be sure to put in decently sized posts, no one or two sentences unless everything is going too slow or or maybe some other reason, if your going to make a small post it's fine to give a reason why.
2) Please use proper grammer (English), maybe some words from a thesaurus to make it more interesting.
3) No Ubering please, I can't stress how annoying it is when someone posts a battle scene and makes his character completely invincible! It's good to give your char skill but going over board makes it no fun for everyone else.
4) No controling Other people' characters, unless they have asked you too or if the person died in his sleep being unable to post ever again! Again common sense.
5) Be creative and have fun, Let's make the Rp more interesting
6) Please keep OOC posts to a minimum, if your going to talk to someone please do it in RP, otherwise if it is general put it in with your post.
see all simple, Also abide by Forum rules too, Cursing I don't much care if you put a few bad words in your post, Just make sure to not over do it, eh?
____________________*Character Sheet*________________________________
(please send me sheets by PM, I will read them over and approve them and let you know what to fix.)
Nickname: (what do people call him/her?)
Age: (Current age)
Class: (Give a good class Warrior, archer, ect. Also try to put a discription in if it's a customized class)
Discription:(Give a physical discription of him/her, tall, short, average, what ever it is.)
Personality:(Whats he/she like when dealing with people, or in battle)
Bio:(This doesn't have to be too long,just give a good brief background of your charater.)
Misc Items:
______________________My Character____________________________________
Name: Dhern The Hearted
Nickname: He is called by his first name Dhern.
Race: Nord
Class: Paladin; The Servants of the Divine and holy light. Warriors of justice and peace. Paladins are gifted in Swords mastery, heavy arms, and healing. A dieing breed of Warriors, but none the less, skilled in combat and magical restoration. As a dieing Breed paladins are rarely seen walking around Tamriel for only few remain, and few devote themselvs to fight for justice with an oath to serve the peoples of Tamriel and their god'.
Discription: Dhern is a broad Muscular Nord, Normal to his kind. Tall and stout, with a well built figure and pale skin. He stand at a hieght of exactly Six feet. His hair is a dark Brown, and Windbraided lengthened to his neck halfway. His eyes are unusual being Multi color, right eye a bright Icy blue, the left a light green. His face is average, Gaunt a bit round. His chin is clefted and his cheek bones nicely hidden.
Personality: Dhern has always been a hearty man. Always a smile on his face and happy. He is respectfull and decent around other people, always looking forward to meet and greet, even outlanders not native to his homeland. In battle it is a different story. He is always serious, taking everything into consideration when the time calls for it. He tries to be as merciful as possible, but when a heated war comes, what room is there for mercy on the battle feild?
Bio: As a young lad Dhern had always dreamed of being a master of the sword, a combatant, a warrior. At the age of nine he had started training with his father, who was also a well known blacksmith along side his brother. As he grew older his skills improved. At the age of sixteen his parents had died, slain while a band of bandits raided their small land they owned. Dhern had survived barely, using his fathers sword to cut down anyone who tried to hurt him. Although a strong willed lad, he had fallen with a concussion from being hit in the back of the head. After that he was taken in by his uncle who had his own Blacksmithing shop in Dawnstar, and from there Dhern had trained hard to one day make sure to protect his people and any other innocent, from harm, thus Becoming A paladin, giving service in the following of Akatosh.
Armor: Specially crafted Steel armor (that looks a bit like the Imperial Dragon armor worn by the emperor. Just looks, still steel.) With shield.
Weapons: Ebony longsword, (Crafted by his uncle when he became a full fledged paladin.)
Misc Items: A timber wolf as a companion, Named Timber.
((Once your char is approved post your starters, I'll follow up soon as enough people join