OOC: Man, I gotta stop living a life and spend my time on the forums.

Yet another large chunk I missed....
Claude waited as the landing ships came into view now, as he prepared his offensive spells, staying right up close to the fighting. An arrow skipped of his stone-like skin, a second later, and he felt the shield weaken a bit, as he ran for cover, cursing under his breath.
He redid the shield, and stepped out as the attackers came ashore, and Claude unleashed a little frustration, a lightning bolt jumping from his fingers, dropping the invader and blinding others around it. Claude couldn't believe what he was seeing, as they were defiantly the legendary Taeseci from Akavir, the Snake-Men who had once ruled the Empire in it's time of need.
As the melee defenders charged in, and the fighting drew closer, Claude switched to his Illusion magick skills, confusing an Akaviri soldier as it tried to cut down a fallen defender by putting an imaginary brick wall in the way. As the Taeseci stood confused, Claude hit it with another bolt of lightning, blasting it away, as the fallen man was dragged away by his comrades.
This left a slight hole in the defences, which Claude soon filled, his Illusion turning a single attacker against his fellows, buying some time for the men around him. One Nord even saluted the mage with his axe, which Claude returned with a grim nod, before returning to his business, using his skills to prevent the line from breaking.
The fighting was fierce, and Claude could see the Taeseci's superior armor, weapons and obvious skill was starting to beat the defenders down. The line finally cracked, as three men fell dead, and the defenders gave way, trying to flee from their dooms. Claude reached into his pocket, and pulled out a scroll, which he read and released the power on it, dropping a fireball at the ground, immolating the attackers, giving the Nords some time to get away.
His area was not the only section in retreat, and he soon heard the calls to fall back, and Claude didn't have to be told twice, as he frenzied another enemy, as it turned on its confused friends and allies, and Claude took the time to run from the battle, making sure more men could get out, before he himself left, firing anotehr fireball down a narrow street, to do nothing more then halt the oncoming Taeseci which would have cut the large number of fleeing Nords off at the crossroads.
He took off down a long street, not even halting as he cast a Chameleon spell on himself. He saw as a group of pikemen engaged a large number of the enemy, and Claude went in to help, but stopped as more Nords came from the side streets, hitting the enemies flank in a cunning maneuver. But they were terribly exposed to any invaders that would be coming from the side streets, and he took off to the left, his worries confirmed as a small group of Taeseci came down the street.
He was invisible to them, but he still cast his lightning bolt, dropping one, and causing the others to scatter, as he prepared his next spell. He muttered a few phrases and ended th chant with a bright green explosion, an acidic substance flying from his fingers, splattering the enemies, destroying their armor and weapons, wjile giving them a fair sting as well.
But he had pushed his magick to far, as he saw himself come back into view, as well as feeling the shield drop. His mind screamed for rest, and he fled down the alley, towards the pikemen, giving warning to them.
"Flee from here!" he yelled. "You will find yourselves surrounded soon enough if you do not." He paused to makle sure they got the message, then tore off further, digging through his pack to find some potions, coming to rest in a small alley way that was a deadend, huddling in a corner, pushing the contents of his bag aside to find a little bottle.