[RELz] RedBag's Solitude

Post » Fri Dec 02, 2016 1:48 pm

Download at Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/80594/?

RedBag's Solitude

Overhaul for the most beautiful city and its docks.


Long before Skyrim was released, i used to look at maps of Tamriel and wonder what could this northern-most city look like. I imagined a truly special city. But after discovering it, i was left with mixed feelings. The position on the cliff is epic, but i can't really feel it when i am inside the city. Entire city is basically one long street. There are disproportionatly big empty spaces in its center. And the docks are almst non-existant.

This mod adresses those issues, and makes Solitude a truly special place i imagined it would be - a city on an arch, and you will feel it!


  • 20 new houses (11 in the city, 9 in the docks)

  • 59 new citizens

  • Revamped tunnel entrance

  • 1 new entrance

  • Overhauled walls

  • Exterior audio spaces

  • Parallax ready

  • Compatible with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8058/?


-City area

... now has 11 new houses (doubles the vanilla amount), with NPCS (which also nearly double the vanilla population of 60) living in them. Much of the redundant city walls have been removed and replaced with much smaller walls and fences. In many places you will be able to look down the cliff, or even jump in the water below.


When exploring new streets and passages, you will encounter many new citizens of Solitude. They have lore-friendly names, and no special dialog. Every one of them tells their story trough the type of places they go to, where they live, how they dress, and their attitude.


... could now pass for a vanilla city, with 10 cabins (from vanilla 1), an extra longboat, and a windmill.


The vanilla docks-windmill teleport entrance has been replaced with a real tunnel you can actually go trough. With Open Cities, the tunnel is without autoload doors.

In addition to that, there is now one extra entrance. On the northern side of the city, there is a narrow trail that will lead you to the Castle Dour.

-Exterior audio spaces

Fire an arrow in the tunnel, or talk to a guard in front of the Blue Palace. Every exterior space that is surrounded by stone now has a specific echo.


This mod is most probably incompatible with anything that changes Solitude or its surrounding cells.


The most significant impact on performance will have the NPCs, as it is not uncommon you will have a dozen of them on your screen, and another 20 in the loaded cells around you. If you have problems with crashing, try a memory patch.


  • Make a save far away from Solitude (so no cells in and around the city are loaded).

  • Install the mod with NMM or manually (extract the files in your Skyrim/Data folder, and activate the .esp).

  • If you use USKP, activate the USKP-RBS Patch.esp.

  • If you would like to use it with Open Cities, activate the OCS-RBS Patch.esp (load order should be OCS, RBS, the patch).

  • If you use parallax meshes, activate the RedBag's Solitude Parallax Archive after installing the main file


Special thanks to http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/684492/? for creating http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8058/? and permitting me make a patch for the two mods. His mod was inspiration for mine.

No less repect and thanks goes to http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1566738/? for making a great modders resource, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45342/?. I used altered version of it in my mod.

Thanks to everyone else who contributed:

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/150026/? (a mesh from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43204/?)

Di0nysys (a mesh)

my main man Robi (beta testing)


I hope you enjoy the mod, any feedback is appreciated!
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Laura Mclean
Posts: 3471
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:15 pm

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