Hello. I seem to have run into a problem with the Limited Edition and how to redeem the code. I have followed the instructions that came with the game, and went to http://www.gamesas.com/limitededition to redeem my code. I logged in, but still it said "You need to log in to view this page. Please use the “Sign In” button on the top right corner to log in." I have logged in and out several times, tried using Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer to no avail. I have also logged out, entered Crysis 2, logged in from there, entered multiplayer, then gamesas and redeem code. This sent me to http://www.gamesas.com/redeemcode, which was the same site as the last one. None of the two sites are working for me, and I really do not want to make a new account, since my username is the one I use Crysis wars and other multiplayer games. Could you possible help me out?