so I was thinking just as an idea
a organic hybrid selection of AI awareness to options depending on parameters outlined
for within the selection proses can take place
eg. bot # 1 = 0
bot # 2 = 0
bot # 3 = 1
bot # 4 = 1
if count is = [2] trigger: action "evaluate"
[ defend by a separate collective, that is a director with set desired bot depth count levels
for activation of its piratical]
so boots depth count = 2 [the 0+0=2] it knows to go to action evaluate
action: evaluate depending on parameter set variant for each bot for [ destination ] AII tag
pasice = 0 " 11
defensive = 1 go to ai tag #005
ofensice = 0 " 9
ai tag #005
action : go to action #1
#1: PlayDef #001
PlayerDef #001
parameters count 1/x
AI parameter are defend by a brush dragged like a volume to thinly cot area
so the ai can be pit into play sequence almost animated in defensive position
to informant not just a zombie along so in a way directed with animation tags inside its func sprite
oll do this later I lost thought