I dislike the trend of kneejerk equating Redguards with people of african descent. They're similar in appearance in many ways, but its a bit intellectually lazy to say that they're identical. There isn't really much need for Bethesda to go out of their way to make them more similar than they already have, since Redguards are THEIR creation.
It's intellectually lazy to say any of the races of Nirn are the same as real life cultures, yet people do so ALL THE TIME and I never understand why. If you want the Elder Scrolls to be less of a fantasy world and more of a boring mundane world, then I guess that's one reason.
Redguards are my favorite race, and have been since Morrowind. They have a very interesting culture, an awesome pantheon, and, in general, I don't think I've ever met a Redguard that I didn't like. Also, Cyrus the Restless is the best character in TES.