Just because Todd Howard says pigs can fly doesn't make it tr...
Well damn...
Did you just ask how you make a 1st person turn based game? That would be so hard and complex to have a new perspective on a turn based game (WARNING!high levels of sarcasm) you know look at valkiyra chronicles it's 3rd person but so is fallout 3/new vegas as people forget it would be easy to implament fp.
Actually that's more correct than you seem to think; Its a lot harder to make a quality turn based RPG than a real time one.
I have no desire to play an archaic, turn based, POS. Give me something I can sink my teeth into.
Really.... Archaic... I take it you do not know that the realtime (and even realtime first person) games preceded most turn based RPGs

As for TB being archaic ~its not, its just a method; A good one, and one that RT game play cannot usually compete with on its own merits (and vice versa). Either you have reasons to make a turn based game or reasons to make a realtime game. Fallout had reasons to be turn based ~the series is in part about the combat system.
I also suppose you did not know that three years before they made Fallout, Interplay made a first person/ realtime RPG called Stonekeep; with dual wielded melee weapons, HtH, and runic spell casting, and up to four NPC companions.

Fallout was made as it was, deliberately, because it suited their design, not some fictional archaism.
This came out last year >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH1f_kn48Bw ** http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhgZafujAqo
(And I truly wish that the creators of FO3 had managed to be as faithful to the core series as that one was to its own.
