It's boring as hell. I have little time to play games due to me having a family and a job and all. Oh and it's boring and not based on any skill, it's luck on how many hit points you scored on "your turn".
Actually, it's
entirely based on skills, just not those of the player. Combat in TB games is dependent on the skills and (where applicable) perks of the character/unit in question, so proper character growth is the overriding factor rather than the player's 'twitch gaming' skills (or lack thereof, whichever is the case). This is a common misconception amongst the deriders of TB combat, since they see the relative inability of the player to directly influence the battle and incorrectly assume that as a result there must be no skill involved, when in truth skill is
all that's involved save for when rolling for critical hit effects.
you do realize this is how they used to fight wars? There's a reason they stopped..........
Yeah, they stopped because doing line marches into machine gun fire was stupidity at a level far beyond even [censored]. That has nothing to do with TB combat, though, since you can pull asinine maneuvers like that in RT combat too.
I, too, find it somewhat ironic that you're complaining about not having time for TB combat yet have plenty of time to play FO3 and F:NV, games that are far greater time-sinks than FO1&2 ever were.