I've never played the first two games and would love to play them but I have no PC! I would love to see them on the PS3, XBOX or smart phone as a straight port! No changes at all!! Is this even possible?
No PC at all? (MAC?) Fallout 1 shipped http://www.macintoshgarden.org/games/fallout-mac-os-7-9-demo
* (OS7 PPC), FO2 eventually did as well; but you'd be better off with the http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/fallout-2 (even on a MAC) I think.
The system requirements are so miniscule, that any form of PC emulation on a MAC should be enough to play them, and any PC from the last 15 years should be able to run them just fine.
*The link, while it might work, is only for reference sake. I have not downloaded and tested it myself.