
Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:54 am

wanted to make thise tread a wile ago as i use my comment to have some referance of redoran in skyrim in a lot of treads as i think it was pritty cool house
so now thise pol about what other people might think about it
there 2 things i know about them is 1 that most of there golry is gone during the oblivion crisis wene there headquater in ald'rune got atacked and afther the fall of minestiry of truth felt on vivec and mount red eruppted destroying much of the isle of Vvardenfell
but redoran also had small villages on the main land near the border of skyrim as they went in a long and bloody war with the nords
so the redoran i think are also a important part of the nordish history so hope there be some aperance of them

sorry for my enlgisch btw
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:56 pm

I suppose it would be nice to have an old Redoran stronghold near the Morrowind border.
There could be some very old Dunmer in there, threadbare carpets, everything a bit in a state of decay.
And them wistfully reminiscing about past glory.
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James Potter
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:37 am

I was gonna post about how House Redoran is getting very weak, and it's more likely we would see some hlaalu (if anything)... but then i read this
Some Great Houses, such as House Dres and House Hlaalu are on the rise, and embrace the new traditions. However, some Houses, such as House Indoril, and House Redoran, are waning because of their resistance to the new traditions, and the Redoran are at war with the Nords of Skyrim and their Orcish mercenaries. ^

I have a feeling house Redoran is going to be pretty deteriorated by the time period skyrim takes place in, probably destroyed by the nords.
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Jessica White
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:46 pm

I was gonna post about how House Redoran is getting very weak, and it's more likely we would see some hlaalu (if anything)... but then i read this ^

I have a feeling house Redoran is going to be pretty deteriorated by the time period skyrim takes place in, probably destroyed by the nords.

indeed i also belief there numbers will be slim but as you also quuted before the redoran are at war with the nords so i belief they are realy a unmissing part of the nord history and as redoran was the nobel warrior house of the dunmer houses i belief even if they had a major push back and they numbers dropped to a very slim number i still think tru there warrior honer they still gona try fight back and trying to rebuilt there former glory

i truly hope if there is still some redoran resistance in the east against the nords i hope it will be a multi optinal quest were you can choise to either help them or help the nords or tru to make some sort of truse between the nord and the remaining redoran and either making a nord setelment or redoran setelment or a mixture between those 2
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