What I was thinking is that I could make a standalone .esm with this ref walk procedure. It would pull items from a form list and add them to NPC inventories. If your mod has an item that needs to make it into NPC inventories, just add it to the form list via script, and it will be placed in their inventory along with all of the others.
It isn't quite that simple. You might only want it to end up in certain NPC inventories, like raiders or whatever. Plus, the ref walk might be performed multiple times near an NPC, but you'll only want one of your item to show up in its inventory. What you can do is make the object that you add to the ref walk form list a piece of dummy armor with "playable" unselected. Attach a script to that object that checks to see which NPC it's in the inventory of, whether they already have the desired object, etc., and either add the object(s) or remove itself depending on what it finds. Because this is happening in game mode, you'll need to also add and equip a dummy item, then remove it from the NPC's inventory a frame or so later. It prevents the inventory additions from interrupting NPC AI.