The worldspace I am working on is very dense in terms of foliage, rocks, harvest plants, etc., and runs noticeably slowly on my PC. Now, I have an old PC (four or five years), and the framerates aren't all that different between my mod and vanilla exteriors (maybe 3-4 fps) but I was wondering whether or not I should be concerned about it. I have kind of been going on the assumption that newer computers would be able to handle the extra load without any difficulty, but I don't know if this assumption is warranted. I have thought about reducing the reference count, but I am very happy with the appearance of the worldspace as it is and I think that trimming it would be detrimental to the atmosphere of the mod.
Should I be concerned about placing too many objects in exterior worldspaces or will most people be able to handle the additional load? Is there an optimal reference count range that I should try to restrict myself to? What are your thoughts and suggestions.