I liked it to choose your Reflex a Low Reflex Makes the Enemies attack Slowly while the High Reflex makes the enemy attacks faster Average is like in between
I really liked that they don't have any attack/defense or Health bonusses they just attacks faster or slower i kinda liked this difficulty System alot
I Also liked Morrowind with it own Difficulty it didn't had any Reflex Option like Daggerfall or Slider like Oblivion it just had it own difficulty and i think Skyrim should have it too
I hated the Difficulty Slider alot if you played on low difficulty it felt like you were god and you also have attack/Defense Bonusses and high difficulty gives your enemy bonus to Attack/Defense if you played on highest it was like they were gods or something/ you and the enemy should not have a bonus at all .....It should just makes the Enemy Smarter or Dumber
I Prefer The Daggerfall Difficulty System and/or The Morrowind No Difficulty Setting more for Skyrim
What do you think ???Which Difficulty system would fit best ?