As some on here may know, I was a long-time console gamer who recently switched over to the PC. I did a lot of studying on what to get and researched a ton of things about mods before I made the leap. And while I could not be more happy about making the change I've been wondering something recently. Do I really need to update mods when they become available?
The reason I ask this is simple. My biggest concern in terms of switching to PC gaming was that I would get constant crashes and mods that I would install would break my game. Well, I have pretty much every mod I want installed and I've logged over 300 hours on the PC version of the game now (I probably logged about 1,000 on the 360). And here's the thing, the game works (nearly) flawlessly. I get the occasional crash, but I can live with it. I'd say I get one crash for every 10-15 hours of play time. Perfectly acceptable by my standards. But I'm worried that if I start updating mods and my RealVision ENB which is due for an update by the way, that something just won't work right. I still have Nexus Mod Manager 49.1 (or whatever) when I think it's up to 51 now. My philosophy has always been, if it's not broke, don't fix it.