» Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:41 am
Actually it IS illegal to use aimbots, I've not thoroughly read the EULA, but if I recall right, it's forbidden to use third party tools to give you an advantage over others.
Not illegal in the technical sense. it is against the voluntary agreement you accept when you install the game, which in turn gives them the right to ban you if you dishonor the contract. It is a pretty severe thing actually. in the abstract. you buy a tv and break the contract with the dealer. he then takes away your tv (backed by the full force of the legal system). Absurd example for the sake of amplification.
Aimbots are certainly immoral, but they are not illegal software. Those that make a living from them has every right to do so. If you read on their forum it is obviously a working business with people who care for their costumers, but also makes it damn clear that it is against the contract rules with the game provider and bans are to be expected at some point.
What I am trying to get through with my limited English vocabulary is that, while it is immoral to use an aimbot, and will have consequences. it may actually be illegal to reverse engineer these peoples COMMERCIAL code. the kind of illegal that may involve 'the legal system' if they so choose. I am not a jurist, these are my layman opinion on the matter.