I am one of the poeple who enjoy the idea of the finishing moves they sound like good fun, but I was wondering, as someone who makes alot of stealthy characters, will I be able to to go straight into a finisher from a sneak attack (the finisher being the initial attack) In other words, could I sneak up behind someone with my dual dagger set-up and just get I one hit strike on them with a finisher before they see me, e.g just muzzle them and cut their throat, or something along those lines. I remember seeing something like this in the gameplay trailer, but I was unsure as to whether this being as common a feature as "regular" finishing moves (in open combat), as it would be something that really interests me. Just wanted to know if there is any confirmation, and this thread is open to any debate on things relavent to stealth, finishers etc, and things of that nature.