Great emote, or the greatest emote?
Great emote, or the greatest emote?
As you may have noticed, this is not an option, because only a puny little girly man would select it.
Now, welcome back to Pumping Iron with Nords. I am Hans, und dis is Franz, and we are here to PUMP. YOU. UP.
You're right. My oversight. Don't want to get super-ripped from doing pushups but neglect that core.
/situp while my bro rocks out on his /lute and /drum
P.S. To the poster who said that this is a "six emote": pretty sure that could be said about any of the emotes when people take their clothes off and put their minds to it. The pushups are clearly pushups.
Pushups are among the best exercises ever invented, so I approve.
Yeah, I totally didn't have a guy /pushup on me while yelling, "DEEP IN DAT [censored]".
Totally unwarranted demand.
Removing that e-mote won't make that guy stop acting like a child.
Also, unless you're already lying down, that would just look strange.
Where's the "Where's my sweet roll?" vote option.
(One second later)
My roleplay in the game.
/pushup and /pushups are actually two different emotes. One looks like someone who is in shape and knows what they are doing and the other is kind of struggling. Pretty funny if you have an overweight avatar.
Did look strange. Was still annoying. The fact that was the only emote I saw used in that way tells me something about not giving ammo to idiots, though.
Also, are you trying to say you use the emote for something else? It's a cool emote, but I wouldn't make a topic celebrating it. Lol.
I totally forgot that the plural makes you look like a beast.
Maybe we should have a gym guild. Everyone shows up in the morning to do pushups, situps and then do laps around Daggerfall (Just kidding, Ayrenn 4 lyfe.).
You probably want to censor naked Redguard dancing then. I saw that being used sixually wayyyy more than pushups.
No where near as cool as /flute /lute /drum or /sitchair etc lol
The point isn't my reaction, it's that it happened and it was stupid because there is an emote in the game that has little use except for situations like that. And you may disagree with my opinion, but it isn't 'unwarranted'.
Seriously, what are you guys loving about this emote if not that?
Pretty "meh" emote. Go lift some mudcrabs instead.
Ummm... some bros like to get buff at the gym?
It's a workout emote. It's funny as hell to get a line of people doing pushups to show off their muscles. It's no more ridiculous than a line of dancing people.
No, I spent most of my time in the Dominion. Looking forward to it though?
/playdead was my fave, next to the instruments.
Nev, if you say so. I'll take your word for it. I'd rather not have it in than have it, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
My favorite is
and then when the character stands on one leg and looks like almost loosing balance /faint to make him fall.
/pushup on someone while they're doing /situp = win
ahah Was that you I did it on? haha XD
I saw someone doing situps in a cavern and though hey that look cool, wonder if I can do pushup and yeah I could, then I was like hmm pushup over the one doing situp would be awesome XD haha The one I did it on ran away fast though..