» Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:32 pm
Right now the regen happens every 5 minutes in real time. By adjusting the value of the global EndBasedRegenHealthCounter you can can change the frequency by one minute increments down to 1 minute or up to what ever number you feel like waiting. Depending on the timescale you are using one minute of real life could have the in game clock advance 1 minute, 5 minutes, or any other scale you want to be using. By default 1 real minute equals 30 in game minutes. Using default settings; if it is 12:00 noon in the Capital Wasteland when you get injured then you will heal at 2:30, 5:00 and 7:30. But if you have adjusted you time scale for a 1:5 ratio then then you would heal at 12:05, 12:10 and 12:15. By switching the time scale to in game time then the interval can be set to every game hour and then both of the mentioned examples will get the healing at 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00 regardless of the timescale being used.
Although, if need be I could also put an option to toggle between Game Time and Real time.
Use the console commands to check the exact health of your limbs. The command is GetActorValue or GetAV, they are the same, and the syntax is:
player.getav rightattackcondition
This will return a numeric value for the health of your right arm, if you close the console and wait 5 minutes you can input the same command again and see the difference. Each limb has its' own nomenclature, you can look http://geck.gamesas.com/index.php/Stats_List for the complete list. If you want to test limb regeneration with out jumping of cliffs to try to break your legs you can also use the DamageActorValue command from the console. All limbs have a maximum health of 100 and a minimum of 0.
player.damageav rightattackcondition 25
This will damage your right arm by 25, If the arm was at 100 it will be at 75 when you exit the console. If the arm was at 7 then it will be reduced to 0 and you will hear the "ungh I'm hurt" sound and see the broken arm when you exit the console.