Damn...but do we actualy need to ask him for a patch?

I love both of this mods, but I got used with that since it's older...mayby if we ask him nicely he'll understand that we don't want to use his mod...just make it compatible with this one.
We'll see if we can contact him.
TamaraVico is a she, and she left this forum over this very issue.
In the conflagration surrounding her departure from Oblivion modding, she made it quite clear that Weye - TICS is "Modifiable for personal use only". She has absolutely forbidden without condition anyone doing anything to the mod other than for personal consumption.
Depending on how you implement the patch, it is possible to fix the compatibility issues without distributing any of TamaraVico's personal work... but be advised, you'll be treading nere damned-dangerous water.
(I liked TV, alot...she did a helluva job with W - TICS, it is a permanent addition to my game (slightly tweaked to suit myself). But I warn you, she has the disposition of mother feline when it comes to her intellectual property. Don't risk the chance of her pulling the mod from the download sites...)