I was unaware of this. If she has forbidden to edit her work anyway then that wish shall be respected of course. Maybe it's better just to make a version without Weye additions instead of any patches, though I've no idea how I'm going to get it to vanilla shape anymore.
Actually, no, it's best if you stick with what you've done and don't let all this talk of who did what where drive what you do in your own mod. Sometimes a situation arises where there's no choice but to decide on one mod or the other. Like with me. I'd love to use your mod, but since it overlaps the Weye mod I use, I've chosen to stick with what I have. I'm not about to ask that you modify your work to make it fit, nor would I ask that the other author modify his work to make it fit. A patch isn't feasible in either case. Sometimes it happens.
Tamara is apparently dead set against anyone modifying her work. Yes, I can certainly see her point, for I'd be pretty upset if someone did that to something I did and then tried to upload it somewhere. The debate here isn't whether her work or your or mine or someone elses can be modified. It's whether or not a patch can be made that moves things in other mods. The issue was probably never settled but I think the consensus was that a patch can be made without permission as long as nothing of any of the parent mods is distributed with it. In the case of Tamara's Weye though, I'm not sure such a patch would be feasible anyway since her modifications are quite extensive.
So just go with what you've got and leave it at that. Some people may not be happy, but what's important is are *YOU* happy.
Re: NRB4 - I can take a look at it but I don't think the conflicts with it would be especially bad. The one road segment by the IC Temple entrance for instance isn't critical to anything. The only other part you might run into is over by the prison if you've changed the landscape or path grids at all.
Re: Let the People Drink - Aside from the house next to the aqueduct area, what else could conflict?