Immediately post-Oblivion Crisis, Cyrodiil and the provinces were plunged into mass panic. Daedra had ransacked the realm, bandits were pushing their advantage and the decimated Legions and regional guard units simply couldn't take the strain any longer. While the more well informed sleuth knew that the barriers between Mundus and Oblivion had been permanently sealed, to the layman the threat of daemonic invasion was just around the corner, waiting to happen. Of course, this sorry state of affairs was sweet music to the men and woman of strong arm or potent will who inhabited the affected lands. They of course preyed on this manic mood of fear, with many exacerbating rumours in order to generate more business. This age was the rise of the mercenary band, purely in it for profit, and seeking to earn their living without the middleman taking his cut. The Fighters Guild survived as a viable business, but only after a painfully long period of reorganization and reconstruction. While the Blackwood Company had been a major thorn in the Guild's side, the myriad of new independent bands proved to be an unquashable hydra.
Fliers for several of these bands now circulate Cyrodil, falling into the hands of many of the towns and cities' young men, mer and beastfolk. The band of the Nord Reinhardt Red-Tooth in particular - Reinhardt's Regiment - has caught your eye, with the promise that the man himself would be touring the towns of the Imperial Heartland in order to collect hirelings. "Haveth thee the stons to figt for the best?!" the advertisemant boldly (albeit illiterately) exclaimed. You were required to pay a small sum to Red-Tooth, after which you would be entitled to your own share of combat's reward as well as a say in the band's activities. However, the most interesting part about the group, the part that caught your eye was the creed. Reinhardt's gang weren't baby-sitters or escorts. They wouldn't sit on your farmstead and chase away crows. They were warriors and would be employed as such. They say that those who live by the sword die by the sword... But there's so much money to be made along the way!
What's going on now?:
Reinhardt and the Regiment met up with the bloodied caravan owner Soren Snowe on the Black Road to Chorrol. After passing a vote to hunt down the bandit leader Svog Elf-Hewer, all involved are preparing to set off to the outlaw's alyied ruin hideout. Soren is currently paying the Regiment 2,000 septims for the hit. A chronicles the entire adventure.
Svog - 5 / 0 - Town.
Eligible Voters: 5
Things to know:
I'll be adding to this section as we go, because I'm sure certain things will become apparent, or there'll be things that people need to know that aren't here now.
? There are two different states: in town, and in the field. In town, new people may join the RP as recruits. In the field, new people won't be joining the Regiment, unless you can work out a story arc in this thread that would bring you into contact with us - as an example, see DarkZerker's Feel free to apply here at any time, but your character will join in town.
?Before departing from a town, Reinhardt will call everyone together and present a number of dossiers for potential jobs. Each member will be able to cast one vote for a mission, in effect choosing their destination. The dossier that receives the most votes is the one that will be acted out, even if Reinhardt doesn't particularly like it.
? The Regiment will collectively own a cart and horse. Any loot you score can be stashed on that once the job is done - so if we clear out a nest of Bandits, put it on there when we're finished. You wont have to carry your gear around during your travels.
? Feel free to roleplay selling your loot in the towns we visit for extra gold. However, part of Reinhardt's role as band leader is the fact that he will get you a great deal when bartering. For a small cut of the profit, he will get shopkeepers to pay exactly what an item is worth, usually through calling old favours, or finding an 'understanding'.
? People who aren't active for long periods of time with no explanation will be removed. If you do want to take a break for whatever reason with the intention to return, just RP your character suffering an injury, and being placed in a chapel or monastery to recuperate, or something similar. I understand that people have busy lives, so I'm not going to penalize you for that.

Roleplay rules:
1) As the GM, my word goes. As Reinhardt however, I'm just a character - disobey him at your discretion, but respect the consequences.
2) Godmodding / ubering isn't appreciated - even if we're all (for the most part) on the same side, it's not cool.
3) Don't write for other people's characters without permission - it's not nice.
3) Use the provided character sheet, and post the result in this thread.
4) Once your character sheet is created, stick within the bounds of that character sheet.
Character Sheets:
Template Sheet
[b]Name:[/b] The name your character would have signed on the dotted line with - not the nickname. [b]Race: [/b] Self-explanatory. [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age: [/b] Self-explanatory. [b]Birthsign: [/b] Self-explanatory. [b]Skills:[/b] No more than 7 major skills from the game. Feel free to take skills from outside the game that are more specific - so far example, "fletcher" if you want to be a master of crafting home made arrows or something. [b]General Appearance:[/b] Don't go too in-depth here. Just put down the important stuff - visible scars and tattoos, physical build, facial features, etc. [b]Inventory:[/b] This would be clothing / armour and weapons. Any possessions they're lugging along. Should all fit in a backpack / satchel. [b]Brief Biography:[/b] Again, not too in-depth. Shouldn't be a novel. This is just to quickly let other people know who your character is.
The Luggage; Reinhardt Red-Tooth.
Name: Reinhardt Red-Tooth.
Gender: Male.
Race: Nord.
Age: 31.
Birthsign: The Lord.
Skills: Blunt, Block, Athletics, Heavy Armour, Mercantile, Armourer, Survival.
General Appearance: Reinhardt is the typical Nord male; massive in stature, topping out at almost 6' 6", with muscles toned by a lifetime of work prominent all over. His brown hair has been left to grow long, and blends into his thick bushy beard. His face is typically blunt, with a flattened nose from many an impact, and a furrow running down the visible elements of his left cheek left by an errant blade many a year ago. Intricate blue tattoos spiral up both his arms.
Weapons: A Stalhrim War Axe, along with a Fine Steel Dagger that is used for skinning and other misc tasks.
Arnour: Nordic Mail Gauntlets, Shield, Boots, Greaves and Cuirass. The helm was destroyed in an old fight, leading to the use of a Steel Helm.
Other: A small pendent on a chain around the neck - refuses to show anyone the contents. Rucksack containing misc survival gear and medical supplies (bandages, tools for disarming simple traps, snares for catching food, etc). Two walk-on-water potions. A coin-purse containing 500 septims' worth of flawless diamonds in order to save weight.
Brief Biography: Reinhardt was born in the snowy province of Skyrim, deep in the forest wildernesses. Throughout his early life, he alternated between the role of hunter and lumberjack, depending on whether timber or furs were fetching better prices in local villages and hamlets. On his 20th birthday, he migrated away from the ancestral homestead to the sprawling city of Windhelm. It was there that he signed on as a mercenary for a merchant franchise. Over the years, he discovered his effectiveness as a warrior for hire, with his hunting skills now enabling him to ably dispatch a new two-legged variety of prey.
His armour is believed to have been granted to him by a clan warlord in lieu of payment after a particularly bloody and difficult job. His most recent jobs have included raids on Vvardenfell and the Redoran lands of Morrowind with other Nord mercenary bands. It is believed he obtained his Stalhrim axe when fleeing Morrowind through Solstheim after the bulk of his raiding party was repelled and destroyed. Shortly after the Oblivion Crisis, he embarked on a trip to Cyrodiil in the hope of establishing his own mercenary band, in order to prey on the rampant sense of desperation and disproportionate mood of danger and fear.
Trannigan; Trannigan Drattmer.
Gender: Male
Race: Imperial
Age: 27
Birth Sign: Warrior
Skills: Blade, Armoror, Heavy Armor, Unarmored, Distruction, Survival, Axes (but only one handed ones)
General Apperance: Slightly taller than the average Imperial, and with a more muscular body build. (Like that of a Redguard.) He is stronger than most men of his race but less agile because of being slightly more built than most. He has tanned skin and unkempt hair grown a few inches past the shoulders aswell as a grown out goatee. He has a small scar on his right cheekbone, from where he had been struck directly by an arrowhead in battle. The scar causes him slight pain from time to time, and it also caused his jaw to not be able to take as much damage as before he got it. (So a punch of blow from a strong character can send him right to the ground.)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Bright Green
Weapons: Elven longsword and a steel dagger.
Armor: Orcish shield, boots and gauntlets, Ebony Greaves and an Imperial Horseman helm.
Other Items: Normal clothes consists of a long sleeved wool shirt and blacksmiths pants, aswell as deer skinned moccasins and a dirty, dark green cowl. Carries with him a sack that has one store bought health potion as well as some food to make a meal at the next camp stop, as well as a money sack with 100 gold in it.
Brief History: Originally from his home land of Cyrodiil, Trannigan grew up in the city of Bravil, Trannigan figured out in his early teen years how much he liked doing tasks that let him use his natural talents, aswell as tasks that came with a payload; so he became a Mercenary. He then traveled the country for years doing most tasks he found that payed well enough, save for a few things that went against his moral code such as slavery or skooma/sugar smuggling. With the decline of the empire, Trannigan has found many opportunities to find gold and adventure in his homeland.
The Master Thief; Juhanor.
Race: Khajiit
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Birthsign: The Shadow
Skills: Unarmored, Athletics, Acrobatics, Marksman, Hand-To-Hand, Sneak, Short Blade
General Appearance: Juhanor is of the Cathay stock of Khajiiti; he is taller than most of his people, standing at 6 feet, 3 inches, and well-muscled, but not overtly so. Despite his large size, he can move just as stealthily as the other types of Khajiiti, and when in darkness, his eyes glow a faint blue color, as part of his species' night vision. Has blue eyes, dusky orange fur, razor sharp claws. Two circular scars adorn his wrists, as part of a pseudo successful slavery attempt in his kittenhood.
Weaponry: Fur-lined silver caestus, an ebony longbow with fifteen ebony arrows, and two metal kukri knives.
Armor: None.
Other items: A pair of black silk pants, a black silk shirt, with a leather duster on top. A small container of moon sugar, two flasks of wine, and three sweet rolls, all inside of his pack.
Brief Biography: Juhanor grew up with his roving tribe in Elsweyr, and learned a variety of skills from his tribe there, including how to properly wield a blade and bow. In addition, his years roaming the deserts and forests have honed his body into nigh-perfection; as such, he can run, sneak, dodge, and jump with insane fluidity, speed, and precision. Having mastered a variety of martial arts skills, Juhanor can effectively fight without any weapons; in fact, he prefers close combat to other means. As a young kitten, he was almost captured by Bosmeri slavers; with the help of some fellow Khajiiti, he escaped, and now wanders about Tamriel, freeing any slaves he finds. Moon sugar has no ill effects on his body, as he is Khajiiti, but he detests people who smuggle the substance illegally, and those who refine it into skooma.
Broken-Scale; Cordus Leon.
Gender: Male
Race: Imperial
Age: 24
Birth Sign: The Steed
Skills: Blades, Light armor, Excellent at playing the lute, A master duelist, Smooth-talking women, Dual wielding, Dodging, enhanced by the quick reflexes of those born under the sign of the Steed.
General Appearance: Cordus is relatively tall, standing at about a half-inch over 6 feet tall. Cordus is very strong and muscular, but also lithe and agile, possessing of defined but not bulging muscles across his body. He is considered very attractive by most, if not all, women who have met him. He has longish blonde hair that just barely falls over his eyes, but far enough to have caused him to develop a habit of flicking his head to one side in order to keep it out of his face. He also has strikingly blue eyes, and abnormally straight and white teeth, which are nearly always shown in a perpetual smirk-like grin.
Weapons: Cordus wields a silver longsword (Carried on his left hip) and a pair of matching silver dueling daggers (carried on the back of his belt).
Armor: Cordus wears a set of expensive clothing, complete with a hood, over which he wears leather gauntlets, shoulder pieces, chest plate, and boots. Cordus also wears a family heirloom on his right ring finger: a ring that is said to improve his marksmanship, dexterity, and reflexes. In terms of overall appearance, think this
Other Items: Pack contains a bedroll, a book (The Lusty Argonian Maid), his prized lute (his "Fat Lute"), spare food and water, lockpicking set and a coin-pouch currently containing 183 Septims.
Mental Condition: Cordus is stable mentally, and has a very laid back view on life. However, he is generally very full of himself, and he tends to think of himself as the Nine's gift to women. He usually plays up the part of a typical "dumb blond", but is actually fairly intelligent. Cordus is a great people-person and loves to make people laugh. However, his personality makes him a "love-him-or-hate-him" type of person. People either find him amusing and fun to be around, or stupid and annoying.
Brief History: Cordus grew up in Skingrad, the son of a minor noble there. He was trained in swordplay and marksmanship by his father, and used his free time to practice his acrobatic abilities across the city rooftops. However, his real passion lied in playing the lute. He was quickly noticed amongst the city for his great lute playing, and with this discovery came a growing sense of confidence, as well as ensuring him his pick of girls across the city. However, when he was 16, he and his father had an argument that resulted in him leaving Skingrad, taking with him his inheritance (his ring and a fairly large supply of gold). He used his lute-playing to set himself up as a traveling bard. Using the money from his inheritance and the money he got from barding, he bought himself weapon and armor and became a part-time adventurer. He became known as one of the best duelists and dungeon-crawlers in Cyrodiil, as well as being one of the top bards. Now, 8 years later, after gaining and losing many fortunes, and accessing the hearts -and beds - of many women across Cyrodiil, he has grown tired of adventuring alone. He has heard of a new mercenary group and, his interest piqued, has decided to enlist.
Glass Argonian; Fier-Rahn.
Gender: Male
Race: Argonian
Age: 25
Birthsign: The Lady
Skills: Blade - above-average ability, prefers longswords, but can use daggers and shortswords, Light Armor, Security - average ability, Destruction - Apprentice level, Alchemy - average, but excels in making posions, Hand-to-Hand - (and teeth/claws/tail) and Item-Hunting - Tends to be able to find hidden items more easily than others.
General Appearance: About 6' 5", has muscles, but they aren't massive or anything. He's sort of wiry, if anything. His scales are mostly a dark forest green, with sky blue patches around his eyes, which are acid green. His "hair" is a single, short dorsal fin.
Weapons: Carries a steel longsword on his hip, and a steel dagger strapped to his thigh.
Armor: mostly leather, though the gloves and boots are leather-backed chainmail. He also wears a purple teardrop gem around his neck as a pendant
Other Items: A blanket, some cured meat and a canteen of water, lockpicks, a journal, coin pouch with 73 septims, some miscellaneous alchemical ingredients.
Mental condition: Fier is often seen as a cold, calculating individual. He tends to hide his emotions more even then most men. Female argonians are often attracted to him, but he usually avoids them (Though not always). It is hard to get him to be your friend, but once he does, his loyalty is unshakeable. He dislikes questions into his past, considering most of it his own business. He tends to survey situations and follow out what he thinks is the most reasonable solution i.e.: he had no money and couldn't smith and wasn't enough of a people person to help in a shop, so he became a mercenary.
Background: Fier-Rahn grew up in Leyawiin, but disliked staying in one place too long, and at about age 17, he started wandering from city to city, finding odd jobs and learning the skills he needed to survive. After several years of this had passed, he ran across Reinhardt while he was recruiting and decided to join him. Not a very complex past, though he has had some interesting moments while adventuring, which are his own business, and he will only share them to a friend.
DarkZerker; Soren Snowe.
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Birthsign: The Thief
Skills: Blade: Very good, above average. Only good with quick light blades like the Katana or daggers. Sneak: Again, pretty good. He's practically invisible in dark rooms. Illusion: Can turn invisible essentially forever and can cloak(40% chameleon) to stay hidden in dim areas. Destruction: Deep reservoir of magicka. But spell knowledge is very low. Only knows a couple high level family spells and apprentice level spells. Light Armour. Acrobatics: Very maneuverable, about expert level. Intelligence: Like everybody in his family, Soren is very intelligent in terms of combat and warfare.
General Appearance: About 6 feet, closer to 5' 11'' however. Has muscles but are toned to the body so the muscles aren't very visible with clothing on. Soren looks a little skinny but not unhealthy skinny. About regular skin tone. Facial Features
Weapons: Snowe Katana(an enchanted katana with a hilt adorned with golden silk. The enchantment is an ultra high level soul trap), Steel Dagger.
Armour: N/A
Other: Very comfortable and powerful threads interwoven into a robe like shirt and pants. They're used for protection against the environment and weak slashes but with the shield enchantment on them, it works like real armour. Wears a old fashion gold locket with a clip on picture of Soren and his girlfriend. Thick blanket, water canteen and some fruits, coin Pouch of 600 Septims, journal, Snowe Family Symbol(on a scroll).
Personality: Soren, to most strangers and friends, is very patient, calm, and very social with them but in a very charming way rather than an annoying way. But in reality, Soren is very intelligent and cunning. He hides most emotions except joy, and even then, only shows that near friends. Soren believes in loyalty only to his family and the word "family" extends to his girlfriend and close friends. Soren can anolyze situations and react to them with lightning fast speeds, making him perfect for battle.
Background: Soren was born in the prestigious Snowe family as the first born child and raised in the Snowe Temple on the border between Elsweyer and Cyrodiil. The family, famous amongst the Empire as they ran 20 farms, 12 different mines and over 100 shops all over Tamriel, although the family never used their namesake and rather collected profits. He was highly celebrated and also highly trained since the age of 5. The family's long held tradition was that the first born male MUST be a trained scholar AND swordsman. And at the age of 18, the training was complete. Soren knew all the family spells, family fighting styles, and of course, gained much knowledge of warfare.
He inherited the Snowe Temple after his father and mother were killed by Imperial Legion troops after dealing in with illegal business and was responsible for taking care of his brother(16), Decimus, and his sister(10), Sylvia. Currently dating Zoe Haru after her father, previous owner of a trading caravan, was bought out by the Snowe family. [Ed Note: Family seems to have been hit disproportionately hard by the Oblivion Crisis, where many assets were destroyed or seceded.]
Mhund; Wolfstan Inventius.
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Birthsign: The Thief
Skills: Marksman, Trapping, Animal tracking, Short blades, Climbing, Alchemy, Fletchery.
General Appearance: Under-average height and weight for an imperial, Soft facial features, Shoulder length brown hair, light patchy beard, couple minor scars around his chin.
At hand; Bow, Iron tipped arrows (20), Knife, Woollen cloak and hood, Leather shirt, green breeches, Fur Boots.
In Satchel; Bread, 12 gold, mutton, small deer trap, Arrow flights, tinder box
Brief Biography: Wolfstan was born to a Nordic woman after a night of un advlteration with famed hunter Pinarus Inventius. Raised in the Northern town of Bruma, it soon became clear that he’d inherited his father’s skills with the bow and took a job keeping Wolves and other such prey away from small farmsteads around Bruma. Realising his appearance left him standing out from many of the Bruma settlers, Wolfstan headed out in search of adventure and employment.
The Luggage can be contacted on Skype at jammi.08, in case of queries or whatever.