There's no simple answer, I'm afriad.
DT, as you know, will automatically knock that many points off of whatever damage you take- if you have a DT of 10, and get hit by an attack that deals 20, you'll only recieve 10 points of damage.
DR knocks off a PERCENTAGE of damage recieved- if you have 10 DR, and get hit by an attack that deals 20, you'll recieve18 points of damage, since 2 is 10% of 20.
This is why DT was a (partially) broken concept in FO3- if you wore a leather vest, it would actually absorb MORE damage from a Fat Man than a Chinese Pistol!
What you need to decide is what is an approrpiate DT bonus for a character at the minimum level of when they can take the perk. You probably shouldn't mix DT and DR, however, unless the game or the DLCs already do that...