So it has been a fairly decent amount of time since I posted on these forums (not since the hype days ). So hello to anyone who remembers me! Although, I seriously doubt there are any still using these forums since the announcement of “no new DLC for Skyrim” (Boo!). I am posting this thread because I have recently started playing Skyrim again, after a long absence on BL2, and wanted to share it with the community in hopes of firing your passion for Skyrim again.
So what has caused this new found interest I hear you ask?
Simple. Start/System/Settings/Display. Now turn HUD opacity and Brightness down to the minimum!
Enter your new Skyrim experience.
Darkness and The Torch
No longer do you stroll around Dragur infested crypts like a God of War or sneak like a wraith into bandit camps and backstab every NPC on your compass, your new world is a dark and terrifying place! Enemies now merge with the shadows, once familiar room layouts take on new shapes as you struggle to make out anything past the dim glow of you fluttering torch and travelling the open world at night becomes a death sentence. Having played for a few hours like this I have decided that this was how the game was meant to be played, not only does the increase in darkness hide the dated graphics (on console) making the game far more beautiful and atmospheric than I could have imagined but enemies like Dragur (especially their vivid ice cold piercing gaze) and wraiths become terrifying to behold.
I am reminded of a particular encounter and one which serves to really explain what I have said above. I was travelling at night on foot, having strayed from the path, I found myself in a dense woodland. The glow from my torch acted as a double edge sword, for whilst it helped me to stop blundering into trees or over cliff tops, it also destroyed my peripheral vision and anything beyond a few metres (an ingenious and very realistic effect I didn’t appreciate until now, Thanks Bethesda!). It was then that I heard something in the undergrowth, a deep and terrifying growl. I quickly scanned my surroundings, which proved useless in the dark, only helping me to further my disorientation. Fear gripped my spine and with shaking hands I drew my sword, its wicked edge glinting in the moonlight. And then the beast was upon me… Out of nowhere a huge and fearsome bear reared up in front of me, its evil beady eyes lit up like a demons in the torch light. I barely managed to parry its first strike with the torch. The blow jarring my arm up to the shoulder and sending a shower of embers over my face. Quickly I returned the favour (with no cross hair), blindly hacking into the meat of its side. Fortunately the blow landed and it had enough power behind it to stagger the beast. Unfortunately the beast was not alone. Its mate thundered into my side (I literally jumped!), oblivious to the danger I was unprepared for the blow and I felt the sickening impact as I was knocked back, my own blood spraying over my face. On weak legs I staggered back, desperately trying to avoid the killing blow. It missed me by a hairs breadth, whistling past my face. Using the torch as a weapon I smashed it across the second bears face, following up with two solid blows to the head with my sword, mutilating the bears face. Watching it go down in its death throes, it was at this point that my torch fluttered and died, sending my world into complete darkness. Floundering around in the dark and aware that somewhere close by was an injured and angry bear, I crashed into a tree, struggling to light another torch. Heavy and fast footfalls signalled its rapid approach. Finally I managed to light the torch, illuminating the beast as it charged towards me. Thwack!
The beast skidded to a halt, spread-eagled and stone cold dead…a silver arrow shaft protruding from its head. Aela had finally caught up.
Had I been playing normally I would have seen the bears or been aware of them the moment they appeared on my compass as red dots. Simply walking up and killing them, then continuing on my way. And we wonder why games get boring.
I haven’t even covered the joys of archery with no crosshair or how rewarding hit is when your shaft punches home. Maybe another time
Hope you enjoyed!