Relax guys....seriously...

Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:05 am

Okay, first off, I know the game was released with several bugs and glitches, etc. It was due to consolization, early release, and several other factors. Forget those things for a minute. Forgive Crytek for wanting to actually be a company that makes money. I know it seems like us (the PC fanbase) may have been shunned a bit, but relax. Change is coming. Does anybody remember that the game was released less than 3 months ago? That's a very short time development-wise. They're bringing a DX11 patch, which, if done right, probably won't be around until August. Personally, I'll just enjoy it how it is (seeing as it looks better than most games already) until such a patch comes along. Thanks for reading, and good day.

Forgive Crytek, the game was only released 3 months ago, good things are on the way.
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danni Marchant
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