I am super lucky because my work at this point in time gives me Monday and Tuesdays off, so I will be there at the midnight launch to get my copy then I'll race home to play the ' install waiting ' game and get excited while I wait for that to finish. Haven't planned out my character exactly but looking forward to making it up on the fly. Must remember to shop for snacks and other supplies on the Monday, I wanna play all day Tuesday. Can't wait !!!!!!
I'm having the feeling that this is what many of you guys will look like while playing! Just imagine there is a computer in the picture as well!
Buy from Walmart:
2lbs of sweet bbq chicken
128ct box of pizza rolls
Popcorn chicken
And case of water
As soon as I play the game, I know I won't get up for a good 5-6 hours. So I want to be sure I have all my food and water in hands reach.
More than likely this is whats going to happen to me. Especially considering that my internet connection isn't always the greatest. Although lately it's been getting some crazy download speeds. Like 23 Mb/s or something like that. Knowing my luck though on release day I'll initiate the download at midnight and it'll come back and say the usual, "Game will be ready to play in 372.95 hours".
I will be checking my Xbox queue daily the week before release to see if the game has begun downloading, if it doesn't download until midnight on the 9th, I may not get to play for a week unless I take my Xbox somewhere with good fast internet speed.
Bedpan and catheter. And someone to change the bedpan out for you...
University on launch day, have to go again the day after. The week after two big exams so i have to spend time studying. But im sure i'll find the time to play.
Nothing special planned, it used to be easier when i just had a job so i could take some time off and go big.
Good thing my girlfriend is a big gamer herself as well, so i don't have to worry about an upset spouse who feels neglected. She's just a few meters away from me playing games as well just not Fallout though. She's not interested in that.
I'll make sure i got some small stock of some snacks and drinks, but nothing to grand.
I decided not to take the day (days?) off at launch. Since I have played FNV and Skyrim over 500 hours each, I figured I would be playing for a very long time anyway.
One of the perks of being a real estate agent is not having to call in sick. I have already planned to take the week off to play Fallout 4. I am currently planning on which food I will stockpile for my hibernation. I am coming up with recipes that are quick to prepare, yet healthy to eat.
So far I have come up with lentil pasta with sun-dried tomatoes vodka sauce, chicken salad, bean and rice burritos, cauliflower fried rice, and crab chowder.
Before: blowing dust out of my computer. After: play 2-3 hours after work the rest of the week to get to know the game. By then I would guess the first patch or two are released, so I can play for real in the weekend.
My preparation will be to hand a copy of this topic to my wife to browse, as I close the bedroom door.
She can see that I don't even qualify as an extreme case...
Well I have the new video card showing up today, but I work the 10th and my wife works the evening of the 10th so I am stuck looking after the kid, but once the kid is asleep she knows to leave me alone as I don't go back to work until Monday.
Another step in my preparation! I just ordered new internet service and am going from 6 Mbps to 150!! Woohoo!!!
Before release--trying to finish my playthrough of Wasteland 2 so it doesn't get abandoned half-way through. Immediately before release--make sure Steam pre-load is done and ready for activation.
I'd love to take the 10th off work, but that's probably not going to happen. I will be extra tired that day--no doubt I'll end up staying up way too late the night before, waiting for unlock and then spending hours messing with character creation.
My wife is going away on the 13th for a week-long business trip, so I'll be able to hit the game hard that weekend and the following week without distractions. I'm clearing my schedule for that week, so if I'm not at work or asleep, I'll be playing Fallout 4.
I have over 800 hours clocked on Skyrim.
But only a few on Fallout NV, none at Falout 3.
Same thing as before ever major Bethesda release, trying not to listen to too much of the hype, get the game and form my OWN opinion before I even head off to look at reviews etc. As you can guess from my name I have been roaming these forums since 2002 (Since before Morrowind was released I believe- Wow has it been that long? I feel old!) and I know how easily hype can be created and expelled pre-release to after release, especially in regions that get the game after the US does!
FO3 was a fantastic game, Ive probably put well over 1000 hours into it on the PS3 version and of course PC version, now my PC is getting old I will be moving onto the PS4 FO4 version so I hope Bethesda have again done their mightiest to bring this great series to next-gen consoles. Can't wait to play it, Witcher 3 was amazing... is amazing, lets see if Bethesda and FO4 can top that, I have faith in them
real world meets gaming... get home from work on the 10th to pick up my PS4 copy. insert copy into PS4 so it can begin whatever downloads it needs. leave home to go to a class for my son, come home late that night, maybe have enough time for character creation. next day, work. after work, sneak in what hours I can when not being a parent.
well i just got the pre-patch for SC LotV today, that mean, i will wake up go to the gym will Fallout 4 is installing, and then sit on the computer going crazy about what to play first SC or Fallout (probably Fallout).
November 9th I will do the pre download and from what I read it launches 12am est(11-10) and 9pm pst(11-9)
So my preparations will occur on the 9th. Ill probably go grocery shopping, pick up some monsters and a nice steak dinner. Maybe some booze. And lurk on the forums until it releases.
Its going to be tough to sleep the night before. Ill just have to shut my eyes and force it while I drift off into very vivid dreams of the gameplay like I did with New Vegas back in 2010.