i would like to thank you on behalf of all the players of Fallout New Vegas for allowing us to BETA Test your clearly incomplete game as i find it impossible to believe that you being the excellent God-like sculptor of fantasy worlds that you are could play this game in house during development and not run across any problems. (except during the E3 demo where you walked out of the casino and didn't get your weapons back). As each patch comes and goes so does my desire to give you the privilege of taking my money to finish the original game during these hard economic time where i must decide to either pay for gas to go to the store to get food only to find out that i spent all the money on gas OR spend a delightful weekend playing Oceans 4 and 1/2, Lord of the Flies, or Robo Cop for $10 a piece. I say weekend because to play each one straight through should only take about 5 hours, however being the titans of industry that your are, lengthened each DLC not with story, not with grinding quests and not even exploration, but with a bugs, lots and lots of juicy bugs that probably come from some God forsaken jungle in whowhatsastan or south whosawhatsits, deep below the earth that require not a soft restart but a hard restart so i can get that delightful "you shut the system off the wrong way you silly goose" message i have come to love and endear like reuniting with a long lost love who cheated on me, took the dog and gave it away a month later because the new boyfriend at the time was allergic. I must apologize as i feel that i have digressed a bit from the point i was trying to make so allow me to get back on topic. Having dealt with all the issues of this game I can only speak for myself in saying that I would like as a gesture of good faith and standing behind your product that you release "Lonesome Road" for FREE to all your faithful customers that have tried so patiently to play this game from start to end and purchased all previous DLC's despite the problems that basically make this game unplayable after 20 minutes. I can say while this will probably go nowhere beyond this forum if the last DLC isn't free, i will still pay for it to complete the game, HOWEVER, you will find your company walking down a Lonesome Road because i along with other dissatisfied customers, will never again pay for a game bearing the Bethesda/ Obsidian logo again.