» Sat May 21, 2011 4:51 am
It won't and Can't happen, modding is more than putting stuff in a game, its changing how it works, adding here and taking away there and putting in lines upon lines of information that at times needs an additional program to be understood, the CS as it stands eats more computing power than a console can muster in addition to games being run off the CD which cant and definently shouldnt be altered, and then theres installing the games on the harddrive now your in Sony's and Microsofts territory and I doub't they'd let such power stand in the hands of the players to such an extent. you also have to contend with them about the mods content that beth is going to compile, and then theres the issue of not ever mod being availible to everyone, and then it spills over into everyone wanting something and not getting it thus calling foul or some such.
I'm apprehensive about saying beth should take modders work and put it as a DLC...why not like, what beth is supposedly doing with every other game and their grandmother take inspiration from the mods of the past, like they are doing now(Dual wielding, Sprints, shield bash, locational damage ALL were mods) and then make some dlc or whatever similar to the mod instead of outright taking the work, copy pasting it and slapping a Beth tag on it. understand they can very well do this, I don't like it but they can and the modder will recieve no payment because they have no entitlement to the mod.