Reload Problem

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 3:45 am

Hi All

I decided to play this game again after long time but obviously it is determined to make me regret it. For about a week i have been trying to install and play this game properly but still no result. I use SI, 3.2.0 unofficial patch, OOO and lots of mods. I also have Oblivion Stutter Remover, Fast Exit, BOSS and latest OBSE. I am using Win7 64 bit. Game launchs up properly and loads the saved games but when i want to reload because of death or other reasons it chrashes. This problem started when i tried to use Streamline and 3GB Enabler fixes. In the beginning of the game, when i get out of sewers after the king assasinated, i saved the game and copied oblivion game folder and saved games folder as back up, in case i have some problem and need to replace them. After reload problem occured, i deleted my game folder and saved games folder and copied my back ups instead of them but nothing changed and my problem still goes on. Do anybody have an idea about fixing this problem ???

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Melly Angelic
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 12:34 am

I think you have post this in the wrong forum and I would ask the mods to move it to the mods forum.

Your gamesave seems to be corrupt or something, so I suggest that you visit for more information. :read:
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:28 pm

After checking all the modes I found out that the mode "Gweden Brothel" is the reason for crashes while reloading. Disabling it solved the problem. Thanks for the answer....

Modding this game is really pain in the ass :brokencomputer:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:47 pm

After checking all the modes I found out that the mode "Gweden Brothel" is the reason for crashes while reloading. Disabling it solved the problem. Thanks for the answer....

Modding this game is really pain in the ass :brokencomputer:

Try cleaning it with TES4Edit, some mods can cause crashes due to dirty references but are otherwise safe to use (most of them...) after a clean-up. If you do not know what TES4Edit is or what cleaning means, try googling it, you'll find a lot of useful info (on these boards too...), it is quite easy to do.

Good Luck!
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:42 am

Also be prepared to run into that as a matter of reality if you end up modding the game heavily. The game itself has numerous bugs that can cause that problem, and I've even had it happen on purely vanilla setups before. Best practice for a reload is ALWAYS exit to the desktop first. It's a slight pain in the ass to restart the game that way, but it beats corrupting your game in the event a reload does work but messed something up silently.
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Megan Stabler
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