I originally started work on this as a minor side-project between work on other mods.
I then decided to set it aside for awhile to do other non-Morrowind related things...
and wound up not coming back to it for about three months, somehow.

(I finally got around to playing a few games I've been meaning to beat, for example.)
I finally got around to finishing this, so here it is:
And now, with not much further ado... Acheron's Camping Gear 2: NOMv3 Compatible!
This mod upgrades Acheron's Camping Gear 2 for use with Necessities of Morrowind v3.
It also corrects spelling and grammar errors, and adds a few new features.
There are two plugins: "ACG2 NOMv3 Original Flavor.esp", and "ACG2 NOMv3 All Natural.esp".
These plugins are to be loaded AFTER Acheron's Camping Gear 2, but BEFORE NOMv3.
Use only ONE of these, not both!
"Original Flavor" includes all original items and adds a frying pan and portable grill to the kit.
"All Natural" removes the the kit's bedroll, firekit, and cooking equipment, to force the use of NOM's versions.
NOM's firekits cannot be started in the rain, and if rain begins to fall after one is used, the fire goes out.
The included campfire kit doesn't have this restriction, and as such may be considered cheating.
It also has an unlimited number of uses, compared to just twelve for NOM's firekits.
(It can't be used to fire-roast food though, just to cook with the other cooking gear.)
NOM's bedrolls also cannot be used in the rain; They can still be placed, but not used for sleeping.
Likewise, the included bedroll also lacks the rain restriction, and can be used at any time.
(Sleeping in the cold rain couldn't possibly be good for you though, hmm?)

Thanks to Taddeus (maker of NOM) the tent includes built-in interaction with the NOM bedrolls.
If placed under the cover of the pitched tent, the NOM bedrolls can be used to sleep, even during rainy weather.
Thus, the tent provides functional shelter from the elements.
As stated in the original readme, the tent cannot be pitched in most towns and settlements on Vvardenfell, or indoors, or underwater.
It can be pitched in the Ashlander camps, however.
It can also be pitched in Mournhold, or on Solsthiem, as well.
To set up camp, first drop the camping kit onto the ground from your inventory, and exit the menu.
Then "activate" the camping kit. You'll be presented with options to either open the kit, or pick it back up.
Choose "open" to take camping gear out of the kit bag, then go to where you want to place the objects, and drop them from your inventory.
To pack up the camping gear, "activate" the kit bag again, and click "pack up".
Any gear remaining in the bag, or already outside of it set up for camping, or in your inventory, will disappear.
It is more efficient with regards to your RAM if you just put all the gear back in the bag first, though.
(It will be easier for the game to remove it, that way.)
Regardless, you'll be free to set up camp again somewhere, anytime.
Do take note however: You should ONLY put the included camping gear back in the kit bag.
Anything else you put in the bag will be lost PERMANENTLY, when you choose to "pack it up", so be careful.
The camping kit is for sale from a traveling Dunmer pilgrim named Acheron.
He can be found in the Molag Mar waistworks, in the central sitting area.
It will cost you 200 septims to purchase it from him.
This mod was originally conceived of as an alternative to another mod of mine called "Ashlander Tent DX".
Ashlander Tent DX is essentially a complex, fully portable house.
This mod, however, is for those who would prefer to have a simple tent and camping gear, to set up manually themselves.
This mod is designed for full integration with NOM itself, to provide the most authentic camping experience Morrowind is capable of.
1.0, 03/17/2011 - Initial release.
Included for optional download is a "clean" copy of the original mod's .esp file.
My mod requires the original mod's files, as it is an addon to that mod.
However, the last time I downloaded a copy of that mod, it's plugin was "dirty", and had GMST errors.
I have taken the liberty of providing a "pre-cleaned" copy of the original required plugin, for user convenience.
All of the other files from the original "Acheron's Camping Gear 2" package are still needed, though.
(Meshes, textures, etc.)
The download and screenshots can be found here:
Happy camping!