/relz/ Artifacts

Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:47 am

About replacement meshes for body replacers, I did some Nifskope jobs. It's nowhere to be completed, and I hope somebody else to complete it...

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4O19OWNT (for ExnemEC, HGEC EBE Fighter, Fantasy Figure and Robert's Male Body Muscular)
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:54 am

About replacement meshes for body replacers, I did some Nifskope jobs. It's nowhere to be completed, and I hope somebody else to complete it...

Thank you that should get me started on EVE conversion..
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:36 pm

Mod by Trolf!

We haven't had treatment like this in a long time!

Thanks, downloading!

Ain't I lucky! :D
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:31 am

Another Badonculisly Awesome mod by Trollf!

Seriously unbelievable mod. Great Work!
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:40 pm

Really enjoying this mod, particularly all the robe options, mages robes just feel very iconic to TES to me. And the necklaces are fun - perfect match to your divine shields (which I also recently fell in love with). Thank you for all of it!
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Bee Baby
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:39 pm

Really enjoying this mod, particularly all the robe options, mages robes just feel very iconic to TES to me. And the necklaces are fun - perfect match to your divine shields (which I also recently fell in love with). Thank you for all of it!

first off all i can say is WOW :celebration: now any chance this could be added to the level list in FCOM any chance we could get that done ?
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:08 pm

first off all i can say is WOW :celebration: now any chance this could be added to the level list in FCOM any chance we could get that done ?

maybe better in II ? but FCOM inline support would be fine too.....
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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:26 pm

Ah Awesome work Trollf so much new shine goodies !
Armateriums already take all space in my Display rooms
I think I need new floor for them!
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:31 pm

FCOM any chance we could get that done ?

maybe better in II ? but FCOM inline support would be fine too.....

All in due time, take time to add things to leveledlist and get them balanced after all..I still have to finish armamentarium itself before I start on Artifacts for Npcs..
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Christine Pane
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:23 pm

Wonderful work, Trollf. :foodndrink: Thanks again for all you do to enrich the game!
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:39 pm

Wow, this looks fantastic, man! Great work again as always! Some very nice items here. :tops:

(I may have to use some of these) ;)
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:39 pm

All in due time, take time to add things to leveledlist and get them balanced after all..I still have to finish armamentarium itself before I start on Artifacts for Npcs..

cool thx for the reply :celebration:
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:22 am

Very Nice Troll

after shopping and looking over a few items..

Like Green Shrouded Armor and this sword ..My lvl 1 character was barely able to afford them all but something like 550 gold for both suit, hood, and sword but well worth ac 14 (full body) and damage 5 ..The sword is massive in game ..compared to very slender female dark elf..


Already talking to Vacuity about leveledlist version, has we have develeoped a plan for it..
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 1:05 am

bump for Artifacts

Development News that I thought I would like to share with you

addition of Artifacts item into leveledlist for Npcs etc..

This will be done through plugin for Armamentarium Complete itself.


1) Arma Complete already has a working system that gives out trollf stuff to bandits and marauders, npc and creatures for Vanilla and OOO
2) Arma Complete has leveledlist that contain everything by type which are in esm which are used by both Vanilla(Next Version) and OOO version. Compatiblity Reason
3) With these leveledlist all I had to do is add artifacts items into arma leveledlist and they will show up has needed.
4) Provided a quick and easy way to get these item into game without worrying about compatiblity issue ..
5) Most of Artifacts Weapons and Armor compliment Armamentarium Stuff.. So I thought it would only be suitable to do it this way..

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Laura Samson
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:49 pm

Thanks for the update, Corepc.
Will trolff's shop remain or will the artifacts only be available through lvl lists?
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:51 pm

Thanks for the update, Corepc.
Will trolff's shop remain or will the artifacts only be available through lvl lists?

That is something that I need to look into since

Artifact.esp itself is what launches the bsa, since it make a world placement.

So Option's are

1) Keep store plugin and which mean with store players can equip themselves with item way before they would normally get them via leveledlist ..pricey.. but worth it and you use new ArtifactforArmaComplete plugin,


2) I Rename ArtifactforArmaComplete to Artifacts.esp and let be a override plugin, and I place something in world like a chest hidden somewhere or something like that? So that bsa get launched correctly and store will not be in game anymore..So that player would not have advantage of getting items way before they normally would..

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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:31 pm

5) Most of Artifacts Weapons and Armor compliment Armamentarium Stuff.. So I thought it would only be suitable to do it this way..
heh, yes. I just wanted to make something unique but ended with Arma II stuff with the name of Artifacts ^)^ No matter, now such mods are past behind me, so I can finally focus on something http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1014169&hl= ;]

Artifact.esp itself is what launches the bsa, since it make a world placement.
Things are a bit more complicated here... :chaos:

The whole interior of the store and NPCs are stored in artifacts.esm file while artifacts.esp makes the changes in exterior world (it places a building and few trees) and links exterior with doors in interior.

The easiest work for you as a modder, is to load both esm files (from both mods) in CS and make simple esp file that adds new items from Artifacts to leveled lists from Arma.
This should be easy solution for the players as well - if someone has both mods properly installed then he/she needs to copy only that esp file to Data folder and activate it - and that's pretty all. And the most important thing is that both mods will remain intact this way - no conflicts, versions' juggling and such.
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:27 pm

1) The easiest work for you as a modder, is to load both esm files (from both mods) in CS and make simple esp file that adds new items from Artifacts to leveled lists from Arma.
2) This should be easy solution for the players as well - if someone has both mods properly installed then he/she needs to copy only that esp file to Data folder and activate it - and that's pretty all.

1) That what I have been doing..Adding Artifacts item into Arma leveledlist all is working has intended so far..

Daedric Priest I did set to show up at higher lvl ..25 ..Vanilla Arma required a rebuilt has well for leveledlist to work..

2) they will have to both Arma installed and Artifacts installed properly for it work. That is a giving..

Which means a Artifacts.esp to launch bsa..So they will either have to use the Artifact.esp (with Store) or

Use the alternate "Artifacts" plugin that will just place something in world so that bsa get launched (thinking a chest hidden underwater for example) ,

in case they did not want the store in world. and want to go shopping for that high lvl stuff at lower lvls..(still you can gain access to shop via coc command)..

Has I needed a way to launch the bsa and plugin has to be named artifacts in order to work..else having people rename the bsa could get tedious once again..easier for them to replace their artifacts.esp or keep store in world and activate one more plugin to get items added to arma leveledlist..

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Kristian Perez
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:38 am

This sounds great. I forgot all about having this Plugin installed since I have been redoing my house in the game in CS and after finishing The Lost Spire I forgot all about that area. I really did like the armors, weapons, and even torches that are available. I would love the option of the store and also having it in leveled list.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:22 pm

Awesome. As a big fan of all of Trollf's work, I'm eager to see this fully integrated into my Fran's/MMM/Item Interchange game.

Any ETA, Corepc?

Oh, and if we're supposed to provide opinions, I like the idea of being able to disable the store and only have the items show up in levelled lists (hopefully with full II support).
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:39 am

Awesome. As a big fan of all of Trollf's work...

Any ETA, Corepc?

Oh, and if we're supposed to provide opinions, I like the idea of being able to disable the store and only have the items show up in levelled lists (hopefully with full II support).

ditto :hehe:
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:47 pm

I would love the option of the store and also having it in leveled list.

Read below

Any ETA, Corepc?

Oh, and if we're supposed to provide opinions, I like the idea of being able to disable the store and only have the items show up in levelled lists (hopefully with full II support).

well if have most of artifacts stuff added into master leveledlist in arma.esm but, arma itself still need work before everything will be just right..So it is actually coming along nicely I say

Currently the plugin just does leveledlist (which is bash mergeable ) so it does not touch the worldspace. So it cannot launch the Artifacts.bsa, even if plugin is named Artifacts.esp..( you could just extract the bsa or rename bsa to plugin name that would work has well)..

So the store will have to remain ,

but that does not mean that I could not provide a alternate store Plugin that does this..

balance the store items themselves and what lvls they show up has ,

so that is more line with those from leveledlist placement itself..

aka no high lvl items at low lvl etc..it give the appearance that guild merchant aquire the items at the same time that you do..How does that sound..?

I think there needs to be a Guard of Some Type Outside of Guild Anyways..Because of well a spawn point placed by MWL that sometimes spawn something nasty at low lvls..need a guard in the region anyways..Those that travel the road do not come by often enough I say..

ditto :hehe:

Read above...
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Yama Pi
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:25 pm

well if have most of artifacts stuff added into master leveledlist in arma.esm but, arma itself still need work before everything will be just right..So it is actually coming along nicely I say

aka no high lvl items at low lvl etc..it give the appearance that guild merchant aquire the items at the same time that you do..How does that sound..?

Sounds fabulous to me!
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Post » Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:12 pm

Sounds fabulous to me!

Which part the rebalance of Merchant item ?

or everything else..LOL..

Development News:

Work on getting ArtifactsforArmaComplete.esp is coming along nicely say 90% done. Hopefully this goes out to alpha team later tonight hopefully. Once I get some final tweaks and change's put in it.

Artfacts body conversion

that are getting worked on, or are done and in testing has well by Alpha Forum Members..

Roberts Male and Female

EVE HGEC C cup and HGEC Normal Lower Conversion being worked on has well..
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Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:06 am

CorePC, this makes me very very very very happy indeed :hugs: :ahhh:
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