The meshes and textures have all been renamed, so there will be no conflicts when Barabus' and Shannon's huge and magnificent city is released. I have also fixed the esp to point to the newly named meshes. Other than that, it is the same esp that was included in the original resource pack. To allow for the longer mesh names, I did shorten the mesh folder name to Brbs.
I also took screenshots of every mesh for easy reference and included them in the download.
I'll keep this brief,installation couldn't be simpler just unzip the files to the Morrowind data files directory, the meshes can be found in their own barabus folder within the meshes folder.
What does this mod do ?
This is a resource pack containing in excess of 60 new meshes for building Imperial/medievel style towns. Also included are a small number fof Georgian and stewart style meshes enabling the creation of towns up to the early 19th century.
The forge mesh is set up as a light
A number of the meshes have animated window glow effects
You don't need either Tribunal or Blood moon and it isn't reliant on any other mod being installed
This mod has been cleaned with TESAME
Feel free to use these meshes in your own mods just remember to give me a nod in the credits, we unemployed artists need all the
advertising we can get! A mention for my website would also be appreciated the address is http//
Thankyou for installing this mod. Hope you enjoy it