I am running an full FCOM setup, my game is fairly stable but not (you guessed it) in the wilderness. I occasionally get CTD's out in the wild, this happens randomly anywhere in the world.
As FCOM dominates my entire game world it has to be related to it, can you guys spot any plugins that shouldn't be used with FCOM anymore?
Just in case, I haven't altered my Oblivion ini file, I only turned off all the autosave features in the ini. Furthermore I use OSR (latest) and OBSE.
Load Order:
As I have read in various topics many times before, it must be possible to get a very stable FCOM game almost crash free, as I myself cannot see any issues in this load order or outdated mods, what then can be the issue?
I am very curious to know how to get this thing stable, as proved by others to be possible, what on earth is wrong with this setup then? It is pretty basic anyway.
I of course meant no offense with this, sometimes I just wonder if it truly is possible to get an (almost) crash free FCOM game. I mean, what have I done differently than others who have??
What chris_1979 said. I have a very stable game - my only issue is overload CTD's, i.e. the game will crash eventually if I keep on playing for a long time. But I had my very first CTD on Lvl 8 or something with this install, so my issue is rather stressing my old rig beyond the call of duty with FCOM, texture replacers, RAEVWD etc.
But I had random CTD's even with the vanilla game - most of which seemed to be related to background processes interfering and/or other system issues. After I switched to playing on a clean boot - and becoming quite obsessive with defragging, cleaning the registry etc., those CTD's have gone away completely I'd say. In fact, you could say that it was Oblivion that forced me to learn to keep the system in top trim.
Also, with one FCOM install a long while ago I had rather severe stability issues even if everything seemed perfectly installed, load ordered etc. And dev_akm recommended me to strip back the mod list to a minimized core FCOM install, which worked perfectly. (Which is why I often recommend it I guess.) Oddly enough, I could then slowly add back mods and ended up basically where I started but with a stable game.
Anyway, I'd say a stable game is primary - so I'd try that if nothing else seems to help.