I also ran through the Vilverin Ruin and a bit of the above World (in God Mode, really necessary wth new char ^^).
Since getting hit all the time makes exploring hard I also made myself invisible via console command.
Its been years since I′ve really been playing Oblivion but the NPC′s just seem to be more alive and realistic with FCOM. And pretty tough, too ^^.
As Uesp-Wiki warned I got stuck in the door when trying to change to the other wing inside the ruin because of the "console command invisibility".
But I think I′m done testing FCOM for now and I′ll just start playing.
Later I still want to add some mods (one after the other) but I′ll have to check on how they′ll work with FCOM first

One last question though:
FCOM_horses_v1_1 : Does this improve horses further or in what way does it change the horses I have when using MMM v3.7b3 Slof's horses? Reading the description it seems to me it just fixes some visual issues.
Thanks for your help !