It was my first ever official release on PES, and I've been wanting to polish it up a bit.
So here it is... A Forgotten Heresy v2!

This mod will allow you to control the weather on Vvardenfell and Solsthiem.
It will also allow you to control the weather in Mournhold, but only after you've completed the Tribunal main quest.
This plugin adds a new book to the secret library.
It has been placed there pending inquiry into potentially heretical content.
This book contains information on the subject of weather control using magical means.
Holding the book in your inventory will add a set of weather control spells to your spell list,
and dropping it will remove them, to avoid cluttering up your list.
Claim this ancient tome for yourself any way you wish, but be warned, as it is property of the Temple.
(Though if you held sufficient rank "cough*Patriarch*cough" you could just take it...) ^_^
The spells are balanced for a mage who has gained a few levels, but I have included as a bonus a "cheat" version
with zero magicka cost and guaranteed casting success.
In the cheat version, the book can be found on a bench on the top floor of the Seyda Neen Lighthouse.
Note: Due to the way Morrowind's weather system works, changes may take a moment to kick in.
Like I've mentioned in the PES comments, I have now finally added Tribunal support.
When I first released this, I was still rather new to modding, so I wasn't able to think of a proper way to handle this.
Part of the Tribunal main quest involves the city's weather, so I didn't want to risk breaking it.
I had some free time, so I decided to finally update this mod.
(I still can't believe I didn't think of this solution earlier, lol.)

Regardless, enjoy your further dominance of the laws of Nature!

The PES page, with download link, can be found here: