VN_Lichcraft Patch 1.0
Main Version Requires - Lichcraft 2.0, Vampire Embrace, Vampiric Hunger, Illuminated Order, MWSE 9.4 or greater
*Also includes two stripped down versions that remove Hunger support and or Illuminated Order support.
*Compatible with both versions of Lichcraft 2.0
Added Vampiric Hunger Compatibility
-Disabled LichCraft blood system
-Made death script compatible
-Made Blood Conversion compatible
-Added a menumode check to prevent safe conversion
-Made Improved Vampire Bite compatible ( Does not count as fresh blood for Hunger's system, refer to that readme for more information. )
-Made Blood Frenzy compatible, works with both Improved Vampire Bite and the new spell Vampiric Trance.
Fixed Power Ritual Success Script
-Stopped a possible script failure happening
Replaced Necromancy path spells
- Added Rotting Plague, replacing Turn Undead
Replaced Psionic path spells
- Added Duplicate, replacing beast detection
Replaced Vampiric path spells
- Added Vampiric Trance, replacing absorb magicka
- Added Shatter Vessel, placing Brainwash
Added Improved Illuminated Order Compatibility
- You can now become a vampire lich through Illuminated Order's quest.
The Spells:
Psonic Path:
A spell that creates aggressive replicate illusions in the minds of others. This spells uses a mixture of two psionic-magic schools. First it uses Metacreativity to construct a deadly and very real force and then Telepathy to trick the minds of the Lich's enemies into believing they are being attacked by an actual person or creature. Maintaining this illusion is difficult and cannot be done for long. The most powerful psionic magi can maintain up to three illusions at once.
Developer Note:
Duplicates while extremely powerful are not meant to be full fledged companions. Creating and maintaining these illusions is a difficult processes. It's not suppose to be easy to tell them what to do and get them to where you need them most. In other words they don't warp or levitate or anything like that. Figuring out the best ways to create, maneuver, and deploy your army of duplicates is part of the fun and one of the drawbacks.
*** You can duplicate any creature or npc from any mod and it will be duplicated exactly. Take note any npc with random equipment like guards for example could look and function differently after being duplicated.
I do not recommend looting or talking to your duplicates. I consider it cheating and it could do weird things to the game. I'm not going to try to stop you because I don't want to needlessly complicate my scripts and the engine makes manipulating non-unique objects frustrating. I opted for using the addspell function to generate my duplication effect. Due to the way the engine handles things this could cause any of the same types of creatures or npcs to have this effect if they are created at exactly the wrong time. This should be rare or never happen as my scripts take care of most of these issues. This should not be a permanent issue if it ever happens and if it does happen it shouldn't hurt anything. Some creatures don't show the duplicate effect correctly at all times but still function. This spell replaces Beast Detection which I found anticlimactic and not exactly appropriate.
Necromancy Path:
--Rotting Plague--
A powerful affliction that slowly eats away at your enemies and spreads to others nearby.
Developers Note: It's not my fault if you kill entire towns with this spell.

Vampire Path:
--Vampiric Trance-- Places your victim into a deep paralyzing trance that also acts as a link from which you can magically withdraw and absorb their life essence. Maintaining this link requires great concentration in order to control the flow of magicka required to dominate someone's will so completely. Know that your target must possess a familiar intelligence in order to be susceptible to this form of attack.
Developer Note: I would describe this spell as a vampire version of Choke from Knights of the Old Republic if you have ever played that game. This spell replaces Absorb Magicka which was broken.
--Shatter Vessel--
This is an optional combo spell that requires your victim to be under the effects of a Vampiric Trance. It's the reverse of a Vampric Trance. Instead of draining your victims life essence you use the magical link formed through the trance to project your blood essence into the victim destroying them utterly. Your entire blood storage is consumed during this process inflicting damage based on what your Blood Level was before using the spell. Using this spell will destroy your link to the victim.
Developers Note: This spell replaces Brainwash which was broken and disabled.
Special Thanks:
VenomByte- For giving me permission and support in releasing this.
Fliggerty - Scripting support
john.moonsugar - Suggesting MWEdit
melian & Yacoby - Mwse lessons in the Construction Set forum.