I have decided to release the new models for all Lost Paladins gear so that everyone may get a chance to enjoy the hard work EuGenius put into them. Each piece of armor had recieved a significant update as well as the weapons. I have also added the never released horse armor EuGenius made for version 2.0 as a modders resource. So if there are any skilled modders out there Id love to see this horse armor put to good use. It would be a shame if no one ever had the opportunity to enjoy this fine artwork. I do apologize to anyone out there that has been waiting for LPotD 2.0. Alas, real life has kept us all from achieving our hefty goal. If any modders wish to use any of the new models for their own projects just contact me and let me know of your plans. Here is the link and enjoy the new designs. The team put in some hard work on these so they should be enjoyed by all.
Hi Jerros.
Want say a BIGreceived THANK YOU for releasing and allowing us to all benefit from your fantastic work.
I had to get a New Horse Armored Yesterday,Thanks to the Countess Of Bruma! Stupid Madstone :swear:lol
Approaching the stables for the New Armour I see A horse that had been already done, But with your New Gear.
I almost fell off my nag.Its Looks absolutely Stunning. :woot: To make Matters Worse was the new Armour on the New Nag. Fantastic also!
I can't wait to see what other Delights will appear during Your Mod.
If I knew how to do screen shots I would have shown you lol :whistling:
Warmest Regards.
James. :celebration: