Wasteland Edition v1.0
Have you ever ben exploring the Mojave Waste, thinking to yourself There's just nothing out here to investigate? If So, This mod is for you! As the sister mod to Fallout 3's D.C. Interiors Project, N.V. Interiors promises to bring many of the elements you've come to know and love, into Fallout New Vagas. I also hope to add more depth and, features, as my modding skills progress.
This Installment of N.V. Interiors opens up 24 new explorable buildings and, I'll be continually updating with new, unique interiors.
Wasteland Edition v1.0 locations and, buildings;
Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals,
Abandoned Beach House,
Sunken Beach House,
Bonny Springs,
Abandoned Shack,
Far Go Traders,
Fools Gold Jewelry,
Mojave Express,
Boulder City,
A Cuppa Joe,
Boulder City, NCR, HQ,
Cornucopias Fresh,
Boulder City Ruins,
Cottonwood Cove,
Bing's bait and, Boats,
Cottonwood Cove, Recreation center,
Cove Clinic,
Higher Ground Cafe,
Sammy's shoreside Saloon,
2 sheds,
4, abandoned shacks,
Emergency Rail Station,
Emergency Rail Station,
Nipton Reststop,
Gomer's Gas and Go,
Starvin Marvin's
This is the first installment in what will be a continuing series of mod's for FNV. My Mission as always is to open up as many of the boarded up storefronts and homes as I can, with unique and diverse interiors.
Pleas stay on topic guys, Thanks