Possibly Enhanced Economy if had been set up in a particular way way.
Are you running any other type of mod that alters leveled lists?
Not that I can find. All of the .ini options for EE that control/remove loot from chests are disabled by default.
However, I have encountered the new winged Seducer characters, and they have interesting loot (like I found an Elven Knight cuirass). Maybe changes were made to how/where you find some items??
PS. after the invisible bear incident, I put the two texture files for polar bears back into the DATA directory and then tried to find another polar/arctic bear. I couldn't find another, but did run into arctic wolves and the Ice Titans (I think they are called). They both worked fine.
PSS. I still don't get booby-trapped chests. I gave up getting a "detect traps" spell. Why bother, unless I want to disarm it and get the potion? If I auto-detect the trap, I am given a choice, and can reply "No" to do a quicksave before trying. Otherwise, I just open it. I have never had a non-detected one go off. Is it supposed to?